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"You can't just run away from your problems Zedaph!" Tango yells angrily at his best friend as he followed him out of class.

"I can and I will Tango!!! You don't understand how embarrassing that was!!! And no! You can't say you understand because you don't have to deal with that, you are a popular kid!!! I am not, I'm just the loser who you hang out with...the person who brings you down..!" Zedaph yells back sadly. "You would...never understand....what it's like to be...the popular kid's weirdo...friend..." He trails off in tears. It had been humiliating to hear all those people jeering and laughing at him when he had tried to defend himself.

Tango stops in his tracks. "Zed...I didn't know you felt like that....you should have talked to me.." Tango murmurs. "We can talk about it now, we have to-" Tango is cut off by Zedaph starting to walk off.
"I don't want to talk to you right now Tango. I'm leaving and I'm....never coming back" Zedaph runs down the hall and out of the school.
"Zed wait!!!" Tango yells as he reaches out for Zedaph.


Tango shoots up. That nightmare again...Tango has had that nightmare for four years. Tango turns off his alarm and wipes the tears from his eyes. He pushes the blanket off him and heads to take a shower. After the shower, he heads downstairs, grabs an apple, and washes it for breakfast. As he eats he grabs his bag, he is going to school for an engineering degree. Once finished eating, Tango quickly puts everything in his car and drives off toward the school. He pulls into the parking lot and gets out of the car. He puts the keys in his pocket and walks towards the building. On entering the room of his engineering class he spots Mumbo and Iskall sitting in the front of the room. Tango slides into the seat beside Iskall. The two start talking excitedly and Tango smiles softly. The two look so happy together. Iskall is leaning over Mumbo’s shoulder trying to see what he is writing on his sketchbook. Tango smiles again when he sees Mumbo smile brightly when Iskall says something cute.

"So, when's the wedding?" Tango jokes and both Iskall and Mumbo turn bright red. Iskall looks panicked and starts stuttering nonsense while Mumbo looks more flustered than ever before. Iskall starts to babble to try and not notice the fact that Mumbo is blushing.  Tango laughs at them, it's fun teasing these two.

But soon his teasing gets interrupted by their teacher walking in, class starts 3 minutes after.


"Crap, Crap, Crap!!" Tango yells as he uses his bag to cover his head from the rain, he stands in the parking lot, scrambling to find his keys as he suddenly doesn't feel the rain on him anymore. He looks up to see someone holding an umbrella over his head, shielding him from the rain. His eyes land on the familiar face.

"Z-Zedaph...?!" Tango's eyes widen. Zedaph steps closer to Tango, he holds the umbrella higher to protect him from the falling rain. Tango stares up at Zedaph, soaking wet, he can see every single freckle on Zedaph’s pale skin through the water dripping from his hair onto his cheeks. "Y-You....I-..." Tango can barely form words as Zedaph lets out a soft sigh and gently smiles.
"I missed you too Tango," Zedaph whispers. Tango gasps softly as he hugs Zedaph very tightly as if he was going to vanish. Zedaph smiles and hugs back the best he can while holding the umbrella. Tango reluctantly lets go of Zedaph.
"Y-You said you wouldn't come b-back!!!" Tango murmurs softly. Tears are brimming in his eyes once more. The last thing Tango wants is to lose Zedaph again.  Especially when he finally got a chance to have Zedaph back in his life.
Zedaph smiles softly and puts his hand under Tango's chin, tilting his head upwards so they were eye to eye. Tango tries to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. "Why do you think I came back? I came back...for you Tango." Zedaph whispers.
Tango can't hold it back any longer as he lets loose the tears, he feels relief wash over him when Zedaph pulls him in for another hug. Tango buries his head in Zedaph's chest as he cries quietly, sobbing loudly. Zedaph strokes soothingly his back, whispering reassuring things to him until he finally calmed down. Tango pulls back slightly but keeps his arms wrapped around Zed's neck. They're close enough that Tango could count every one of Zedaph's freckles. "Y-You're coming with me.." Tango takes out his key and unlocks his car. "Get in," Tango states softly.
Zedaph closes his umbrella and sits in the passenger seat. Tango walks around to the driver's side and gets in. He turns the heat on and starts driving. It's raining heavily, but neither boy minds it, both just bask in each other's presence. Zedaph leans his head on Tango's shoulder. Tango blushes as he tries to pay attention to the road.

Soon they get to Tango's house. Tango gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for Zedaph. Zedaph grins and gets out.
"Thank you, kind sir~" Zedaph jokes. Tango chuckles, shaking his head fondly.
The two enter the house and Tango shows Zedaph around the place. Zedaph couldn't see a room where there wasn't a picture of them when they were younger. Zedaph blushes as he sees a photo of them from 7th grade, they are holding hands on the beach. It was a field trip. After the house tour, Tango pulls Zedaph onto his bed and hugs him tightly. "Please never leave again Zedaph," Tango whispers softly.
Zedaph rests his head against Tango's as he replies, "I'll stay forever if that's what you need me to do Tango." Tango squeezes Zedaph tighter and mumbles something inaudible before nuzzling into his neck. "I...missed you..." Tango whispers before falling asleep.


It's been 5 years since Zedaph came back, him and Tango are roomates.

"Hah!! I won for the 4th time Tango!" Zedaph brags as he places his controller down. Tango rolls his eyes.
"I'm gonna beat you this time!!! Just one more!" Tango whines as Zedaph laughs and stands up. "We have to eat dinner first Tango" Zedaph sighs. "Come on, let's order Chinese food." Zedaph grabs a menu and sits down next to Tango again as he orders their food.
They sit in comfortable silence as they lean against each other on the sofa.  Tango smiles softly and wraps his arm around Zedaph's waist, pulling him close. Zedaph blushes and looks at Tango. Tango locks eyes with Zedaph. Zedaph moves slightly closer so he was pressed up against Tango. Tango leans closer, about to kiss Zedaph.


They get interrupted by the doorbell. Tango immediately pulls away from Zedaph. "Umm, I got it, you wait here okay?" Tango smiles nervously and goes to answer the door. He opens it and reveals the delivery driver.
"Hey, kid. Delivery for Tango" the driver greets.
"Oh! Right" Tango pays and takes the food. Tango returns to the couch and places the food on the coffee table.
"Wel-" Tango gets cut off by Zedaph pulling him close.
"Kiss me....just kiss me Tango!" Zedaph begs.
Tango blushes but pulls Zedaph into a kiss anyway. Zedaph melts into the kiss. Tango wraps his arms around Zedaph's waist and pulls him closer. When they pull apart, Tango pulls Zedaph's face back into the kiss. Zedaph responds enthusiastically and starts moving his hands to the back of Tango's head, deepening the kiss.  Tango moves one of his hands from Zedaph's waist and runs it along Zedaph's jawline, then he pulls away from the kiss. Tango cups Zedaph's cheek, his thumb rubbing circles on Zedaph's cheekbone.  "I love you..." Tango says quietly as he trails small kisses down the bridge of Zedaph's nose, down to his lips. Zedaph smiles softly and brings up his hand to cup Tango's cheek, his thumb stroking Tango's face. "I love you too...." Zedaph says as they both slowly kiss again. Tango pulls away and leans his forehead against Zedaph's.
"Thank you for everything..." Tango mutters.
"Anytime Tango, no matter how hard things are you will always have a home with me, no matter what." Zedaph smiles reassuringly and gives Tango a light kiss.
"No matter what huh? That sounds pretty cheesy." Tango smirks and nudges Zedaph playfully with his elbow. Zedaph giggles and shoves Tango lightly.
"Yeah, cheesy....but true," Zedaph says softly as he caresses Tango's face. "Now let's eat dinner before the food gets cold." Zedaph smiles. Tango nods happily as Zedaph kisses his cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too Tango."
Those were the last words said before a comfortable silence fell over the two as they ate.

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