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The airport is filled with noise, yelling, talking, flight announcements, etc.
Etho isn't the biggest fan of airports, but here he is, standing waiting for his flight. It's very important to him that he takes this flight, he is going to see someone very important to him.
Ren. Etho and Ren have been friends for years, but they live very far from each other, and it pains Etho. Ren has never seen Etho's face since they are online friends, and Etho is pretty secret about his identity.
Etho taps his foot patiently, waiting for his plane.
Soon, his flight gets called, and he quickly goes to the gate to get on the plane. The flight will take probably more than 7 hours, and Etho is not prepared for crying children or angry Karen's, but here he goes.


When Etho gets out of the airport, he looks around and smiles. Although his mask his shielding his mouth, you can tell he's smiling. He grabs his phone and scrolls through the messages between him and Ren, smiling more as he reads through them. He hums in acknowledgment as he finds what he's looking for.
Etho walks through the town and looks around more.
The town is filled with adults walking with their families, kids playing, elderly sitting on benches. It smells like freshly baked bread, which makes sense since there is a bakery in this part of town. Etho looks around for a good few minutes until he spots the Music Festival that was being held today. He grins and looks at his messages, Ren was texting him on the flight on how he was so excited to be playing at the music festival and would make sure to get a video for Etho. Etho doesn't need one now. Etho walks to the festival and pays the enterance fee. He looks around and spots Ren. Ren is on the stage, strumming his guitar and singing his heart out. Etho smiles and watches from a distance. When the song comes to an end, Etho steps closer and claps loudly for Ren, who waves at the ground and walks off the side. He walks straight past Etho and Etho snickers. Of course, Ren would think Etho was just a random person. Etho turns and follows Ren. He makes it look casual. Ren is standing by a food stall, counting his money.
"Shoot." Ren mutters. "Could you remove the chips?"
The person at the stand about to speak gets cut off.
"Don't worry, I got you." Etho says and gives money to the person at the stand for Ren.
Ren's eyes widen. He looks to his left and sees the person standing next to him. He knows...that voice.
Etho looks at Ren and smiles, his eyes light up slightly.
"Etho..?" Ren whispers, confused.
"That's me." Etho laughs.
Ren's eyes light up with happiness. "ETHO!!!" Ren grins and hugs Etho tightly, wrapping his arms around Etho's neck.
Etho smiles and wraps his arms around Ren's waist. They pull away slowly, Ren cups Etho's face and smiles again, looking at him fondly.
Ren says, "You..look exactly how I expected..but I didn't expect this.." And rubs his thumb softly against Etho's cheek.
They stare deeply into each others eyes. Their noses touching, and their faces inches apart. There's nothing awkward about it. They're just comfortable together, enjoying each other's presence.
"Did you come here, just to see me?" Ren whispers.
"Of course. I thought it was about time you got to see my face." Etho chuckles.
"Oh?" Ren asks, raising an eyebrow.
Etho pulls down his mask slightly. "Look closely." he smiles playfully. He puts his fingers under Ren's chin, gently tilting his head upward. "Look at this." He continues.
Ren's eyes widened. His breath hitched.
Etho has many freckles scattered across his cheeks.
Ren is blushing. He doesn't know why..or does he. "You. You uh have freckles." Ren smiles. "Wasn't expecting that." Ren whispers and looks at Etho. Etho has soft white hair, heterocromia eyes one is redish brown and the other is greyish blue. Etho has soft freckles scattered across his pale skin. He has multiple piercings in his ears, a headband holding his hair out of his face. Ren's breathes shakily.
Etho raises an eyebrow. "Do I have something on my face?" Etho chuckles, and Ren flushes. "I just wasn't..expecting this."
"Expecting what?"
"You being here." Ren looks at Etho. He looks like he's tearing up.
"Ren. Gosh, don't cry yet." Etho smiles and wipes the tears from Ren's face with his thumb. "Are you..okay?"
Ren nods and sniffles. "Yeah. Just...happy to see you."
Etho smiles.
Ren leans forward and leans his body weight on Etho, Etho smiles and wraps his arms around Ren tighter.
The person tending the stand clears their throat. "Your food is ready."
Ren blushes and grabs the food. "Sorry-" Ren grabs Etho's hand and pulls him towards the seating. Ren sits at a table, and Etho sits next to him. "Thank you for paying for my food." Ren smiles."
"It's no problem, Ren." Etho hums and watches Ren eat. It's nice seeing Ren smile, Etho feels happy to be the cause of that. Ren always had such a beautiful smile. Etho wants to see more of it. Ren is eating quietly, chewing carefully. After a while, he stops and looks at Etho. "So." He says. "Want to try some?" Ren stabs a piece of chicken with his fork and holds it up to Etho's mouth. Etho opens his lips obediently, and Ren feeds Etho some chicken. Ren feeds him again, this time giving him a french fry.
This is how they spend the next 20 minutes, Ren feeding Etho small bites of his food.
They're both laughing and smiling at each other, and it makes Etho's heart flutter. He loves spending time with Ren.
Soon, Ren eats the last piece of his food and Etho fake pouts.
"That was minneeeee." Etho grins.
"You've had enough!" Ren laughs and shoves his shoulder into Etho, playfully.
Etho laughs. "Hey-!"
Ren laughs. "Let's go to my house!! I can show you- EVERYTHING!" Ren grins, excited as he stands up, pulling Etho with him.
Etho laughs and lets Ren drag him.
When they get there, Ren gives him a tour of his house.

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