ZedaphxTango Songfic fluff

390 11 15

'Knock Knock Knock'

Tango looks out of his room's window to see Zedaph on the roof. Tango has been living in a foster center for 10 years and Zedaph is someone he met at the park 5 years ago.
"What could he want?" Tango mutters as he scoots over and opens the window. He can't help but smile when he sees a sheepish grin.
"Can I come in, Tango?" Zed asks nervously as he fidgets with his fingers behind him.
He knows he must be getting caught by a guard around the orphanage so he just sighs and moves aside so that Zedaph can climb into his room.
"Hi." The sheep greets him shyly once he enters. Zedaph has never really been comfortable around people, let alone children so Tango finds it odd that he's here. It almost feels like an invasion of privacy but Tango doesn't say anything. Instead he hugs Zedaph.
"Hi." He responds. Zedaph is only a year older than him, he is 17 and Zed is 18.
They stay like this for several minutes before the other boy finally relaxes and hugs back.
"I have something for you." Zed says and pulls away from the embrace only slightly. He holds out a small box that is wrapped in blue paper.
"A gift?" Tango asks as he looks at the box. "For..me?" Tango continues as he looks at Zedaph.
"Yes..for you." He smiles again but this time it seems more confident.
"But why?" Tango asks even as he takes the box. As he unwraps the paper he gets a glimpse inside. A bracelet.
It is beautiful and intricate yet simple and elegant. With each link the different stones are carved in a way to form a complex pattern. Each stone looks like a galaxy with its own unique shape. Some are bright colors while others are softer shades.
Tango doesn't know what to say or do. His mouth is agape. He doesn't realize how long he has stayed there staring at the bracelet until Zedaph speaks up.
"I made it myself..and I made the design especially for you…" Zedaph looks down shyly. "You don't like them, do you? I mean, I should've asked first-"
"No, no it's beautiful." Tango interrupts his rambling. He puts on the bracelet immediately and admires it. It fits his wrist perfectly. He smiles widely, unable to contain his happiness. "Thank you, Zedaph."
Tango hugs the boy again which surprises Zedaph. Zedaph hadn't known how much he had wanted Tango's approval, how he craved for Tango's friendship. But now, standing there hugging him, the smile on his face brighter than any star, he couldn't be happier. Tango is his best friend...and he..he loves Tango.

"TANGO!!!" Ms. Rose the lady running the foster center shouts.
"Coming!" Tango shouts back. "I'll be back Zed. Stay here." Tango jogs out of the room and closes the door.
When he gets to Ms. Rose he see's that she is talking to two adults.
"Yes ma'am?" Tango asks as he stands next to her.
"These two lovely people were willing to adopt you." Ms. Rose says. She gestures towards both boys. One is tall and skinny with light brown hair. The other is slightly smaller, with brown hair.
"You will moving across the country with them if they do adopt you." She smiles.
"What?!" Tango shouts. "Why did they pick me?!" He doesn't want to leave.
"Because they like kids and thought that you would make a great kid." Ms. Rose explains calmly. Tango doesn't look at her. "I can't...!" Tango runs back to his room.
Zedaph jumps up at the sound of the door slamming shut. "Tango?! Is everything okay?!" He asks anxiously.
The other boy didn't answer his question. He was just pacing frantically and clenching his fists tightly. Zedaph hurries over and hugs Tango.
"Run away with me." Tango whispers as he looks Zedaph. There is desperation in his eyes.
"W…what?" Zedaph gasps.
"Please! Run away with me!" Tango says a little louder.
"Are you serious?" Zedaph questions.
"Please..." Tango whispers again.
"But..where would we go? We have no money…" Zedaph whispers back. He feels helpless. How could his friend ever want to run away with him? Why did he suddenly feel like this all of a sudden?
"We can figure something out." Tango reassures him. Zedaph looks at him for a moment. He can see tears welling up in the Tango's eyes. It was clear that Tango really means those words. And so without further hesitation, he agrees.
"Okay." He agrees. "I promise I will take care of you Tango." He smiles.
"I promise too." Tango responds.

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