Ethocrafted Fluff

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It's the 24th of December. Since Etho doesn't celebrate Christmas he is just chilling on his sofa with a hot cup of coffee and is watching anime. That is until he hears a knock on his door. He tilts his head and outs his coffee down. Then he stands up and puts his mask on before walking to the door. When he opens the door he see's his best friend Xb with a gift in his hands smiling sheepishly.
"Xb? What are you doing here? Aren't you at the Christmas Eve party with everyone else?" Etho questions.
"Well- I was. But I knew you would be spending another year without anyone hanging out with you for the holidays. I know you don't celebrate Christmas...but I got you a gift." Xb looks away with a flushed face while holding the gift out for Etho. Etho blinks once, twice, and finally grabs the gift from Xb hands. The present was wrapped in purple wrapping paper that had white paw prints on it.
Etho chuckles. "Thanks Xb. This is really sweet of you." Etho can tell Xb is embarrassed as he opens the gift. It's a collar.
"A collar?" Etho raises an eyebrow as he looks at Xb.
He hears a soft giggle from Xb. Xb turns behind him and then turns back around with a little black and white cat. Etho's eyes widen.
"Since your...always alone and you don't like socializing..." Xb gets the courage to look Etho dead in the eyes. "I thought this little cat..would be a great companion for you"  he whispers softly causing Etho to blush.
"Th...this was really thoughtful Xb." Etho stutters slightly as he grabs the cat.
"Why don't you..come inside?" Etho whispers as he steps aside. Xb nods with a shy smile and walks inside the apartment. Etho closes the door, puts the small cat onto the floor, and starts to unwrap the cat collar. His hand hesitantly holds the cold metal, but soon enough the collar starts to warm up. He puts the collar on the cat. He smiles when the animal purrs happily.
He sees Xb stand awkwardly next to the couch.
Etho laughs slightly. "You can sit down Xb." Etho teases.
"Oh, o..okay." Xb slowly sits down at the end of the couch. Etho sits next to Xb.
"I'll name her Coffee." Etho jokes.
Xb laughs. "What kind of name is that-?! You can't name everything Coffee!" Xb smiles playfully.
"Yes I can! One day I am going to name my child Coffee!" Etho smirks.
"Pffft- Please, that poor child" Xb laughs loudly.
"Coffee is one of the only things that could make someone smile all day." Etho explains proudly.
Xb laughs again. "Whatever you say Etho." He smiles softly. They spend another minute looking at each other's eyes.
Etho chuckles. "Wanna watch anime with me all day?" Etho asks.
"Of course!"
They start watching an anime that they have both seen several times. But it felt different every time Xb watched it because Etho was here with him. He couldn't quite describe what Etho was feeling but whenever he looked at Etho he felt happy.


"Etho! Etho its snowing!! Lets go outside!" Xb says as he saw snow outside of Etho's window. Etho laughs. "Sure. We can go to the town center to get some things for Mocha." He smiles at his cat, Mocha rolls around and meows.
Both boys put on their boots and gloves before grabbing their coats.
They walk outside and Xb gasps.
"It's beautiful!" Xb smiles as snow gets stuck to his hair. Etho chuckles.
"We should go- Before the shop closes at sundown" Etho says.
Xb nods as he wraps his pinky finger around Etho's.
Etho blushes slightly, but his mask covers it mostly.
A few minutes into the walk Etho slowly slid his hand fully into Xb's hand.
Xb squeezes Etho's hand gently. "I love the snow."
"Me too, it reminds me of home." Etho replies quietly.
The two boys stay quiet as they walked. Their shoulders brushed against each other's.
"Look! The pet store is right there! Lets go!" Xb drags Etho to the store.
"Alright alright Xb. I'm coming. Chill out." Etho chuckles.
After a while of browsing, they buy some treats and some toys. Xb pays for them, ignoring Etho's objections.
When they get outside, the snow has gotten heavier, its about 30 minutes from sundown.
"Etho! There is a hot cocoa stand! Can we get some?" Xb does his best puppy eyes at Etho.
Etho sighs. "Okay."
Soon they're sitting side by side drinking hot chocolate, watching snowflakes land on the ground with the sunset in the background.
As Etho continues to drink his hot chocolate, Xb leans over closer to Etho and rests his head on Ethos shoulder. Etho freezes slightly but continues to drink his drink.
Out of nowhere Etho feels a hand on his face, he locks eyes with Xb who is caressing Etho's cheek.

"I haven't seen you without a mask in a while.." Xb blushes as his thumb traces the scar on Etho's lip.
Etho blushes brightly. He places his cocoa down next to him, trying to avoid eye contact.
Before either of them realize what's happening, their lips meet. Etho grips the bench slightly at first. But after a moment he finds himself kissing back. As Etho feels his hands move to the sides of Xb's face, he can feel Xb lean more towards Etho. Etho's hands come up from where they were holding the table to place them on Xb's cheeks. Xb deepens the kiss.
Etho breaks the kiss and lets out a quiet breath.
"So how long have you wanted to do that?" Etho whispers as he strokes Xb's cheeks.
"It's been years." Xb mutters as he kisses Etho again.
This time Etho pulls Xb closer by his waist. Etho slides one hand to Xb's lower back and rubs his thumb against Xb's lower back causing him to grip Etho's shoulders. Etho takes the opportunity to slide his other hand through Xb's hair and pull him even closer.
Suddenly Xb pushes Etho off of the bench and into the snow then he falls down on top of Etho.
In shock, Etho stares at Xb whose face was now inches from Etho's own. Xb grins widely before laughing.
Etho tries pushing Xb off of him but Xb only wraps an arm around Etho's waist keeping him close.
Etho laughs. "Heyyy. Get off." He pokes Xb's stomach playfully.
"Never." Xb says in a baby voice. "I want you all to myself." He smirks and hugs Etho tightly.
"Well tough luck!" Etho giggled and pushed Xb into the snow.
Xb let out an 'oof' before sitting up, a playful glare on his face.
Etho snickers at how cute Xb was when he was pretending to be mad.
Xb grabs snow and throws it at Etho.
Etho gets a facefull of snow. Etho shakes his head.
"Really? Your gonna play that way?" Etho grabs snow and throws it back at Xb. Xb quickly picks up a pile of snow to throw it back at Etho. Both boys are laughing uncontrollably as they play with snowballs.
After a few hours of playing in the snow like little kids, they go back to Etho's house. They are laying in the snow together. Etho has Xb snuggled into his arms.

"The stars are pretty tonight." Xb comments quietly.
"They sure are Xb..." Etho whispers, he isn't starting at the stars, he is staring at Xb. "Your prettier than any star I've seen.." Etho admits shyly.
"No way!" Xb smiles sweetly. "You're prettier than those stars Etho!" He looks at Etho lovingly.  "You're just so nice and caring." He compliments.
Etho smiles at this. "Thanks Xb."
"Yeah, I love you Etho." Xb mumbles quietly.
Etho's heart skips a beat.
His eyes widen slightly.
"I love you too Xb.." Etho replies with a faint blush covering his cheeks.
Xb smiles. "We should probably go inside, we might get sick if we lay in the snow for to much longer." Xb giggles.
Etho nodded, both boys got up and went inside. They made their way upstairs and Etho starts looking for dry clothes.
"Here Xb." Etho says as he hands Xb a hoodie with some pajama pants.
"Thanks Etho." Xb smiles and goes into the bathroom to change.
Etho changes into a t-shirt and pajama pants. He then sits on his bed and waits for Xb.
Xb walks out of the bathroom. "You're never getting this hoodie back." Xb teases.
"I understand" Etho answer simply.
Xb giggles and jumps onto the bed and tackles Etho.
Etho chuckles and starts tickling Xb as revenge. He eventually stops when Xb grabs Etho's wrist and pins his wrists down against the bed.
"Ha.. I win Etho!" Xb says victoriously.
"You look cute in my clothes." Etho changes the subject quickly.
"Tha.. That's-"
Etho cuts Xb off with a kiss. Xb gasps before melting into the kiss.
Etho runs his fingers through Xb's hair. When they break the kiss Etho looks at Xb with a smile before leaning in for another kiss.
"Etho." Xb says softly as Etho pulls away.
"Yes Xb?" Etho replies softly.
"Are we dating?" Xb questions hesitantly.
"Yes Xb we are.." Etho answers happily.
"Okay....." Xb replies and he pulls Etho into a passionate hug and kisses Etho again.
They fall asleep in each other's arms under the warm blanket.
The last thing Xb heard was Mocha mewing at them.

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