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"Sausage, did you hear a new kid moved here? I heard he's like the shortest person ever! Fresh meat!" Scott grins.
Sausage shakes his head. "You can't flirt with every new kid, Scott." Sausage smiles.
"I totally c-" Scott gets cut off by a group of students running to Sausage and asking for his autograph and such.
Sausage is a very famous dancer and is trying to live his high school life peacefully. It isn't working.
Sausage backs away and literally runs from the crowd. As he runs, he turns a sharp corner and bumps into someone. He almost trips over his own feet but grabs onto the person's arm. "Sorry."
Sausage looks at them and blushes slightly.
The guy is short, with pale skin, freckles, ginger hair, and blue eyes.
"Watch where you're going." The guy says and crosses his arms. He has a slight pouty but an angry face.
"Uh... sorry.." Sausage scratches the back of his neck. The smaller guy storms past Sausage.
"You're gonna make me late!" He yells.
Sausage stands there in complete shock. Did he not know who Sausage was? That's odd.

As the day goes on, Sausage literally has every morning class with the short kid. Every time he tries to speak to him, the guy ignores him.

At lunch, Sausage sees Scott sitting with Jimmy. They are sickeningly sweet.
Sausage sits down and watches how Scott coos at Jimmy and feeds him cookies.
They aren't even dating! Well, they might as well be, Sausage did catch them making out at Scott's 17th birthday.
Sausage clears his throat, and both Jimmy and Scott blush, then look at Sausage.
"Sausage! Buddy-" Jimmy's voice cracks.
"Save it." Sausage laughs and starts eating his food.
Scott and Jimmy blush.
"So Sausage, have you met the new kid?" Scott smiles.
Sausage eats and nods. "I have every single morning class with him." He mumbles.
"Really? What's his name?" Jimmy asks, leaning forward.
"His name is Fwhip." Sausage says, he leans back slightly and raises his eyebrows.

Across the cafeteria stands Fwhip. Fwhip is getting picked on by the jocks. Sausage didn't want to interfere until someone punched Fwhip in the face.
Sausage stands up and walks over to the guy.
"Heyy!!! Sausage is here!" One guy says.
"Look at our new toy, Sausa-" the second guy gets cut off by Sausage grabbing him and throwing him into the other guy, causing them to both fall.
They both curse at Sausage and get up.
A fight starts.


"I am disappointed in all four of you." The principal says to Sausage, Fwhip, and the two others. "Fwhip, take Sausage to the nurse while I choose the punishment for these two first, since it will be worse than what you two get."

Fwhip stands and helps Sausage to the nurse. He starts cleaning Sausage's cuts.
"You didn't have to do that for me." Fwhip mumbles.
Sausage gives him a small smile. "Don't worry about it. You did nothing wrong." Sausage reassures him gently.
Fwhip huffs and finishes cleaning the cuts and bruises, and he bandages Sausage up.
"Can we be friends?" Sausage smiles.
Fwhip sighs. "I guess we can be friends. Just don't bother me."
Sausage grins happily.


Months go by, and Sausage, of course, bothers Fwhip every day.

"Fwhip! You never told me your favorite color!" Sausage grins.
"Yes, I have." Fwhip says flatly.
"Tell me again!!" Sausage grins.
"It's blue."  Fwhip mutters.
Sausage gasps dramatically. "Blue?! Oh my goodness, It's the color of your beautiful soul~" He singsongs.
"Shut up, you idiot!" Fwhip glares at him.
Sausage grins and sticks his tongue out.
"Seriously?" Fwhip says, annoyed, rolling his eyes. He pushes Sausage playfully.
"Oh no, you're going too far now, Fwhip. " Sausage says, smiling sweetly.
"You better watch yourself, Sausage." Fwhip says, scowling slightly.
"What if I never stop~?" Sausage grins.
"You're really annoying, you know that?" Fwhip scoffs.
"I love annoying people! It makes life so much more interesting!" Sausage says, smiling widely.
Fwhip groans. "Just shut up already."
Sausage doesn't respond but keeps smiling.
Sausage knows how to get a reaction out of Fwhip.
Sausage leans against Fwhip, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and looking into his eyes.
This causes Fwhip to blush a little.
Sausage grins and starts talking even more obnoxiously.
Fwhip sighs, annoyed...but he has a small smile on his face.

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