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"Ok, Scar. We are only going in the pet store to get food for Jellie. Got it?" Tango says and crosses his arms.
"Yup! I got it!" Scar grins cheekily.
Tango sighs. "C'mon then." Tango walks into the pet store. Scar follows behind him like a lost puppy. The pet store is full of people and many different animals.
Tango heads straight to the cat food and starts, looking at it. "Hmm...maybe this type would be better than the kind you tried last time. What do you think, Scar?" Tango hums and waits for a response. When he gets no response, he turns his head. "Scar-?" When Tango doesn't see Scar, his eyes widen. "Scar!?" Tango looks around. No sign of Scar. "Scar, where are you?" Tango's voice comes out a little panicky. He looks around the store for a good 20 minutes before he hears a familiar voice. He peeks around the corner to see Scar cooing at a bunch of the cats.
"Scar." Tango sighs and crosses his arms. "Why did you leave me? You could have just asked, and we would've walked back together." Tango rolls his eyes, but a smile grows on his face when he sees Scar laugh softly with the cat he was playing with.
"Oh, Tango! Sorry I couldn't resist!" Scar grins.
Five more minutes go by, and Tango hears the store become a lot quieter.
"Uh..-" Tango looks at his phone and sees the store...closed 3 minutes ago! "Uh- Scar, the store closed- we might be stuck in here." Tango says.
"But the small kitties remind me of little Jellies!!! They are so cute!!" Scar coos, definitely not hearing the words Tango said.
Tango sighs. "Oh my gooooddd..." Tango shakes his head. "Scar, listen." Tango grabs Scar's arm, Scar looks at Tango.
"Yes?" Scar smiles.
"We got locked in the store." Scar's mouth opens slightly in surprise. "The door's locked, and the cashiers don't know we're inside!" Tango huffs.
"Ohhh...at least we are with the small Jellies!!" Scar grins at the kittens as Tango facepalms.


3 hours go by, and Tango and Scar are still sitting in the cat section.
Tango yawns and scoots closer to Scar, his head lays on Scar's shoulder.
Scar blushes. His heart skips a beat, and he starts to feel dizzy. He tries to ignore the butterflies swarming in his stomach and instead focuses on the adorable cats, but he can't. He ends up staring at Tango.
Scar's cheeks go red as he stares at Tango.
Tango has his eyes closed and is softly humming. "Mmhmm...." Scar's heart skips another beat.
Scar reaches over to brush some of Tango’s hair away from his face. He takes in his features. Those dark eyelashes flutter lightly at the contact. Scar gulps and leans closer to Tango, holding him close. Tango makes a sleepy noise and snuggles against Scar. Scar feels Tango's breath against his neck. Scar shivers and closes his eyes, enjoying the moment.
The two stay like that for a long time, and both of their phones have no service, so they couldn't contact anyone, not like they were complaining right now.

"Scar..?" Tango whispers after hours of silence.
"Yes?" Scar hums and rubs Tango's hip softly.
"I lo-.." Tango stops himself and clears his throat. "I am going to..murder you when we get out of here." Tango softly giggles.
"Hey-!" Scar laughs. "I got sucked in by the kitten cuteness!"  Scar pouts, trying to look innocent.
Tango chuckles. "Yeah, sure you did."
Tango looks at Scar. "You look really cute with that hat on." Tango whispers and fixes Scar's cat beanie.
"Well, thank you," Scar blushes and ends up hugging Tango, burrying his face in Tango's shoulder. Tango blushes and wraps his arms around Scar.
"Mh..cold" Scar whispers and hugs Tango closer.
"Don't worry, Scar. I'll keep you warm." Tango says softly, stroking Scar's back. Scar nuzzles Tango's shirt gently. The two stayed like that for a while longer. Just enjoying each other's company in peace.


Finally the store owner came to open the shop 5 hours later. Scar reluctantly let go of Tango and left the store together, apologizing to the store owner and paying a little more than the cat food costs.

"Oh, I have never felt happier to be outside!" Tango smiles and stretches.
Scar blushes as he watches Tango. "Y-Yeah." Scar agrees with a nervous smile.
"Let's go get some food. I am hungry!" Tango grins.
Scar smiles. "Alright."

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