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It was Valentine's Day, and Tango was heartbroken. He got stood up by his date and is now currently lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He sent a message to his best friend Impulse, but he doubts that he will show up. Tango is proved wrong when he hears a knock on his front door and the call of his name.
He gets up and walks downstairs to the front door and opens it. He see's Impulse standing there.

"Hey buddy." Impulse says. "You messaged?"
"Yeah, I did." Tango replies. "Come in." Impulse follows him inside and closes the door behind them. Tango motions for him to take a seat in one the couch in the living room.
"Are you ok? Aren't you supposed to be on your date?" Impulse asks.
"They stood me up, Impulse.." Tango mutters. He sits down next to his best friend on the couch and leans into him. Impulse hugs him.
"Hey. What if I took you somewhere to cheer you up? Would that make you feel better?" Impulse asks.
"That'd be nice…" Tango responds. Impulse nods and looks at him.
"Let's go then." Impulse says. They walk out of Tango’s home and head to Impulse’s car, which is parked outside. “Hop in.” Tango does as told.

They drive for a while without speaking until they reach Tango's favorite coffee shop. They sit across from each other.
"I know you love this place- so I hope it's fine were here." Impulse grins nervously. Tango chuckles. "Impulse. Why wouldn't it be fine that we are here? As you said, I love this place." Tango grins softly. "Thanks, Impulse." Tango reaches across the table to squeeze Impulse's hand affectionately. Impulse gives him an affectionate smile back.
The two enjoy their coffees quietly before talking about anything and everything. Tango eventually takes Impulse’s hand again in his own and squeezes it slightly, a sign of appreciation. Impulse makes eye contact with Tango and smiles, squeezing Tango’s hand back. Tango feels his cheeks heat up. He doesn't realize how much he likes to have Impulse’s hand in his until now, and it’s making him happy to hold it. The two stare into each other's eyes for a good 2 minutes. Until they were interrupted by the waiter giving them their check. Tango thanks the waiter and turns back to Impulse. Impulse grins.
"I'm paying!" He calls.
"Oh no, you are not!" Tango debates.
"Yes, I am!" Impulse insists. "Don't try to stop me. I'll pay."
The two look at each other, and both start laughing. Their faces get redder as time goes on, and Tango can barely even look Impulse in the face. Impulse has his signature breathtaking grin.  Tango is mesmerized. Tango notices that Impulse stopped laughing. Tango decides to break the silence. "Ok, fine!" Impulse cheers and pays for the both of them, leaving a generous tip for the server.


Impulse leads Tango across the street to the mall. "Let's go to the arcade near the food court!" Impulse grins as he drags Tango to the arcade. He holds the door open for Tango, who gladly steps inside.
"What do you want to play first?" Impulse asks.
"Whatever." Tango shrugs.
"What games are there? I wanna do a claw machine!" Impulse exclaims. Tango shakes his head fondly at him. "Sure." Tango agrees, and the two walk over to the claw machine. Impulse places a dollar in the machine. He pulls the lever to start. Impulse slowly lines up the claw with a stuffed animal. The claw grabs it and drops into the prize box. He smirks as he hands Tango his prize. A stuffed elephant plushie. Tango looks up at Impulse with a small grin.
"Thank you, Impulse." Tango grins widely at Impulse. Impulse just grins back at him. Tango wraps Impulse in a tight hug. Impulse laughs softly. He gently ruffles Tango's hair, causing Tango's face to warm up considerably. Impulse, let's go of Tango and backs up.
"Let's go play more games!" Impulse beams as he drags Tango deeper into the arcade.


"Let's get our ears pierced!" Impulse grins and Tango almost chokes on air.
"What??" Tango asks as he raises an eyebrow.
Impulse grabs Tango's hands in his and grins. "We can get matching earrings!" Impulse grins wider. "Oh, pleeaaaseee Tango!!" Impulse looks at Tango with puppy eyes. Tango knows he's hopeless when he sees that expression.
"Alright… Alright…" Tango sighs in defeat.
Impulse giggles in excitement and pulls Tango into a tight hug. Tango feels his cheeks flush slightly. Impulse lets go of him, and they head over to the earrings shop.

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