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Tango has been working all day and night on Decked Out Two. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He keeps telling himself that once he has completed this project he will go to sleep...hopefully.

Tango hears the sound of rockets in the distance, he turns and sees his friend Grian land perfectly with his elytra. His heart beats faster just for a second.
"Hey Tango!" Grian calls and waves as he walks over to Tango.
Tango smiles softly and waves at Grian.
When Grian arrives at Tango's side, he stares at Tango for a good 3 minutes. "I have a quick game for you!" Grian grins.
Tango blinks. "Sure."
"Ok, Truth Or Dare?" Grian smirks.
"Truth" Tango answers.
"How many hours have you slept this week?" Grian crosses his arms.
Tango goes silent for a few seconds. "....Dare"
Grian shakes his head. "Go to sleep!"
Tango steps back. "I don't like this game" he mutters to himself.
Grian grabs Tango's arm. "If you don't go to bed, I'll make you!" he threatens lightly. His voice sounds so serious it sends chills down Tango's spine. A small blush appears on Tango's cheeks. Grian is so cute sometimes. "Please..?" Grian looks up at Tango.
Tango sighs loudly and rubs the bridge of his nose. "...Fine" he gives in. What else can he do? It's not like he could say no to him anyway. Besides…he doesn't want Grian to get mad. He won't ever forgive himself if he hurt Grian by denying him something so simple.
Grian grins and starts pulling Tango up to his room.

As soon as they get there Grian pushes Tango in bed.
"Take off your shoes, I don't think you want to sleep with them on." Grian points out. Tango immediately takes off his shoes and hood. He lays in bed staring at Grian.
Grian walks over to Tango and pulls the blanket over him. Grian softly brushes Tango's hair out of his face.
"Good Night Tango..I'll be staying here until you fall asleep" Grian smiles as he sits on a chair next to Tango's bed. Tango can feel his face getting warmer with every passing moment. The redness is spreading across both of his cheeks now. Oh, geez. Why does Grian always end up looking this adorable. He looks away from Grian before he loses all composure and starts stuttering out nonsense.
God, what is wrong with me? This is so unlike me. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. He looks back at Grian.
"Goodnight, Grian" Tango smiles softly at Grian who returns the smile.
"Night Tango" Grian replies and then leaves after planting a gentle kiss on top of Tango's head. Tango closes his eyes, feeling sleep taking over.

Tango wakes up and rubs his eyes softly. Grian isn't sitting where he left him the previous night. Instead he found himself laying on his bed, fully clothed but with his pillow and blanket pulled over him like a blanket burrito.
When Tango thought about getting up, Grian barges into the room with eggs and bacon on a plate.
"Hey G." Tango yawns and sits up.
Grian places the plate on Tango's bedside table.
"I made food for you." Grian smiles.
Tango sits up properly, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders. "You really didn't need to-"
"No, I wanted to." Grian says. "You've been working so hard lately, you deserve to relax for a little bit!" He reaches over and ruffles Tango's hair.
Tango leans slightly into Grian's hand and smiles.
"Thank you Grian…"
"Anytime." Grian grins and kisses Tango's cheek. Grian quickly gets out of the room after giving Tango another one of those breathtakingly beautiful smiles of his. Tango's breath hitches.  His heart rate increases tenfold.
Tango feels light and warm as he eats. When he finishes eating he realizes how hungry he actually was.
Grian walks back in and sits on the end of Tango's bed. "I made you some tea" Grian smiles and hands Tango a cup of tea. Tango thanks Grian and drinks his tea. Grian smiles again and turns to face Tango. Tango looks up and meets Grian's eyes. His lips are slightly parted, which causes Grian to lick them subconsciously. They're a bright blue and when Grian smiles again, the sunlight streams through the window and hits his teeth in a way that makes Grian look more cute than ever. His eyes shine brightly and his skin glows in the rays of sunshine streaming through the window. He looks like a literal angel standing in front of the sun. Tango feels butterflies flutter in his stomach at the sight of Grian.  Grian takes Tango's hand and gently intertwines their fingers.
This was going to be a long day for Tango.

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