Tangaph Pt. 1

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Laughter fills the town square.
Two young children run about and play.

"You can't catch me!!" A child with blonde hair and purple eyes yells as he runs.
A smaller child with blonde hair and golden brown eyes chases them and yells. "I'm gonna get you!!"
The two children are best friends.
Soon enough the shorter child stops chasing and catches his breath. "It's not fair! You're taller than me and have longer legs Zedaph!" The child whines.
Zedaph laughs. "I'm always gonna be taller than you Tango!"
"It's not fair!" Tango puffs his cheeks.
Zedaph walks over and pulls his best friend into a hug. Tango hugs back and giggles.

"Zedaph! Tango! It's time for dinner!!" Zedaph's mom calls out.
The two boys run to Zedaph's house.
"Mom guess what! I won tag again!" Zedaph grins.
"Stop bragging!" Tango squeaks angrily.
Zedaph's mother can't help but laugh. "Alright, no fighting you two. Why don't you see if Mama is ready for dinner Zed? And Tango come help me set the table?" Zedaph's mom offers.
Zedaph smiles brightly. "Ok! Mama!" Zedaph calls out and runs down the hall of the house.
Tango smiles and goes to grab the plates and cups to set the table.

Soon enough Tango, Zedaph, and both of Zedaph's mothers are sitting at the dinner table eating spaghetti and meatballs.
"Your food tastes good Mrs. Plays" Tango smiles as he stuffs more food in his mouth.
Zedaph's mom smiles. "Thank you dear, but Mama Plays taught me. She's much better."
Zedaph's other mom blushes. "Shush honey. No flirting in front of the kids!" she scolds.
Zedaph giggles. "Mom, Mama? Can Tango come over again tomorrow?"
"Of course he can, he is always welcome here." Mrs. Plays smiles.
"Yay!" Both Tango and Zedaph cheer.


The next day was pretty uneventful until Tango, being the 9-year-old daredevil he is decides it was a good idea to run into the forest.

"Tango I don't think this is a good idea-" Zedaph whispers as he holds Tango's hand.
Tango grins. "Don't worry Zeddy! I will protect you from the monsters!" Tango waves a stick he has, making Zedaph laugh.

The two explore the forest until they hear a stick break, the two turn to see a tall man with bright red eyes and white hair, he has a grin on his face...his teeth are very sharp.
"Oh hello there. What are two little kids doing in the forest alone?" He tilts his head.
Tango grins. "We are adventurers! Going to find a dragon!!"
Zedaph hides behind Tango slightly.
The man chuckles. "Is that so? Why don't I help you" the man smiles.
"Oh o-" Tango gets cut off by Zedaph tugging his arm. "What's wrong Zed?" Tango turns his head to face Zedaph.
Zedaph is shaking. "I want to go home," Zedaph whispers.
"Oh." Tango frowns. "Maybe next time Mr.!" Tango turns to look back at the man, his eyes widen when he sees the man holding a large sword. "I don't think you're going anywhere." The man grins and swings the sword at Tango.
Tango steps back and blocks it with the stick. "Zedaph- Go get someone!" Tango pushes Zedaph away.
"B-But what abo-"
"Go!" Tango yells, cutting Zedaph off as he hits the man with the stick.
Zedaph runs back towards the town, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"MOM!!! MAMA!!!" Zedaph cries.
Zedaph's mothers go to him.
"What's wrong Zedaph?" one asks.
"T-There-" Zedaph hyperventilates. "Scary man in the forest with red eyes and sharp teeth! Hurting Tango!" Zedaph blabs.
Both of Zedaph's mother's eyes widen, one pulls Zedaph close and another goes to call the sheriff.

....After that day. Zedaph wished he hadn't left Tango.
Blood was spotted on the ground where they were, but Tango wasn't there. All that was left was Tango's jacket that was tied around his shoulders like a cape that day.


"Zedaph! Get up!" A woman screams.
Zedaph shoots up and looks at the woman. "Cleo! Don't scare me like that-" Zedaph sighs.
"Sorry. It's the easiest way of getting you awake. Making you panic-" Cleo laughs. "Stress made breakfast and wanted you out of bed before it got cold."
Zedaphs sighs. "Ok 'mom.'" Zedaph rolls his eyes and goes to the kitchen with Cleo and sees his other roommate Stress, cleaning dishes.
"Morning Stress." Zedaph smiles.
"Mornin' Zed!" Stress smiles, turns, and hugs Zedaph.
Zedaph hugs back.
"I made waffles!" Stress smiles, making Zedaph sit down.
Zedaph smiles and takes a bite of his waffle.
"Mhhh-" Zedaph smiles. "Does being a fairy make your food taste heavenly?"
Stress laughs. "I don't think so!"
Cleo chuckles too and wraps an arm around Stress. "Well, I'm off to class. Statue-making class thankfully is my favorite for 7 in the morning." Cleo kisses Stress's head. "I'll see you two later." Cleo leaves.
Stress smiles. "I just think me taking culinary classes helps a bit." Stress teases.
"Oh shush- take a compliment!" Zedaph sighs and laughs.

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