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"Doccccc!!!" Grian calls out as he is on his way to annoy Doc. When he doesn't hear a snarky response or even a sigh, Grian gets worried. Doc always responds right away. So when Grian walked to Doc's room and opened the door, the last thing he expected to see was Doc shaking and coughing roughly. He was definitely sick. Grian walked over to Doc and placed his hand against Doc's forehead, he's burning up.
"Woah! Let me grab you some medicine from the store. Stay right here!" Grian says as he walks out of Doc's house quickly to go to the store for some medicine.

As soon as he gets back, he sees that Doc is worse than before. He rushes over places the tea he got Doc down and opens the medicine, he pours it in the small plastic cup before tapping Doc's shoulder.
"Open wide."  Grian tells Doc. Doc does, so Grian carefully pours the medicine into Doc's mouth carefully.
"I got you your favorite tea, green tea, of course. So if you want to drink some of that, you can, or you can just rest until I get you a warm towel." Grian says as he goes to Doc's bathroom.
Doc grabs the tea, his hands shaking as he sips the tea.
When Grian comes into the room, Doc has already finished the tea. Grian smiles and walks over to Doc and lays a wet and warm towel on Doc's forehead.
"Now get some rest. I'll check on you in 4 hours." Grian says as he turns off the lights. Doc hums a response and closes his eyes tiredly. As Doc falls asleep, Grian walks over quietly and kisses his forehead.
"Rest well, Doc.." Grian whispers as he leaves the room.


A few hours later, Doc wakes up.

"Ngh.." Doc groans unhappily as he opens his eyes. He sees a table next to his bed with a plate of food and a cup of tea on it. He looks up slightly more and sees...Grian. He has that playful but kind smirk on his face. Doc loves it.

"Oh, finally! I thought you were hibernating!" Grian grins as he walks over and places a cup of medicine down. "Eat up then drink some medicine. You have a high fever." Grian says.
Doc nods and starts eating the eggs Grian made him. After a while, he stops and asks, "Why did you do this?" Doc asks as he stares at Grian's... beautiful blue eyes.
"Because you're my friend Doc. This is what friends who care about each other do." Grian answers as he sits on the edge of Doc's bed.
Doc's gaze softens as he slides his hand to grab Grian's. "Grian, I'm not sure if you knew this or not but...You mean the world to me." Doc mutters shyly as he hides his eyes behind his free hand.
Grian squeezes Doc’s hand softly. "Aw~ I know Doc. You mean the world to me, too." Grian tells Doc gently and gives him a big smile. The look makes Doc weak in the knees.
Doc lets his head fall forward as a blush appears on his cheeks and ears. His heart flutters. "Now finish eating. You need your energy." Grian chuckles lightly as he gets up.

"W-Wait!" Doc mutters as he grabs Grian's hand tighter. "Stay with me..?" Doc stammers nervously as he looks up at Grian.
Grian blushes as Doc pulls him onto his lap. Their foreheads brush, and they both close their eyes, enjoying the closeness. "Of course, Doc..." Grian mumbles.
Doc wraps his arms around Grian protectively. Doc rests his chin against Grian's head. Both guys are in silence as Doc continues to eat. Grian can feel the warmth of Doc's body against him, and it brings a gentle feeling to him. A happy one.
"Hey, Doc.." Grian murmurs softly after a long while.
"Yeah..?" Doc murmurs softly as he drinks the medicine.
"I love you." Grian blurts out without thinking.
Doc freezes at those words. His breath hitches, and he slowly leans back, breaking their embrace.  "Huh?" he asks, confused and stunned.
"I love you," Grian repeats softly as he reaches up to brush Doc's cheek with his thumb. It's then that Doc notices how close together they are.
His heart skips a beat. "Y.. you what?" Doc asks quietly. Grian chuckles a bit sadly as he takes his hand from Doc's cheek.
"I said I love you, Doc." Grian repeats once again.
Doc's gaze softens into a pure, loving look. His breathing speeds up. " yo -"Doc starts before he is interrupted by Grian kissing him very gently, almost like Grian is afraid. Doc kisses back eagerly, and his heart feels full.  Grian pulls back to smile at Doc.  Doc smiles back and caresses Grian's cheek lovingly. Doc pulls Grian closer, and Grian happily leans into Doc's hand. They kiss softly for a couple of minutes. Grian sighs in content.

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