Flower Husbands

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TW: Violence, Death, Suicide, Suggestive Themes

"Jimmy?" Scott whispers as he sees Jimmy sitting on the edge of the dock. "Why are you still here?" He sits beside him and leans against the rough wood, trying to ignore the cold water dripping from his hair, clothes, and skin onto the ground. The moon casts eerie, almost ghostly shadows on the dock. "It's late...and it's pouring out here." Scott whispers.
"Why do you care?" Jimmy whispers. "Are you here to find something to mock me about?" A small laugh falls from his lips.
"Jimmy...I'm not here to make fun of you..." Scott says. "Why would you think that..?"
"Well, maybe because for as long as I've known you, you'd laugh and tease me for things I can't control!!!" Jimmy snaps. "You're a jerk, Scott!" There’s an ugly sound of anger rising in his voice. “Do you really hate me that much?!” His voice cracks. “Do you even care for me anymore?!” Tears fall down his cheeks and splatter onto the wood around them.
Scott looks at Jimmy’s hunched over form and feels horrible. “Oh no, Jimmy..” He reaches forward and tries to grab Jimmy's arm. Jimmy yanks his arm away and stands up.
“Don’t touch me.” He growls. “I don’t want to see you anymore." Jimmy storms off and...for thousands of years, Scott never sees him again..until.


"Welcome to Third Life!!! This is a game -" Grian rambles on about a game.

Scott looks up and sees...him.
Jimmy is talking to Martyn and laughing loudly. Scott's heart is practically shattering each second he looks at Jimmy.

"Go!!!" Grian's voice rings through the area, and everyone runs off in separate directions.


Scott started a strip mine when he started hearing noises. He mines into a wall and sees Jimmy about to swing his pickaxe.
"Hello?" Jimmy asks with a cute smile.
"Hi." Scott smiles shyly.
"I'm Jimmy! What's your name?" Jimmy smiles and puts his hand out.
Scott shakes hands with him, feeling tears welling in his eyes. "My name is Scott."
He says softly.
"Nice to meet you. Why did you join Third Life?" Jimmy asks.
"Because of how lonely I was." Scott answers with a soft chuckle. "I have lived alone for a long time." Scott smiles sadly.
"Why don't you live near or with me? We can create a little area around this flower forest!" Jimmy smiles. "Then there won't be any more loneliness!" He grins.
"That sounds nice," Scott says softly. "Thank you."
"No problem, Scott~!" Jimmy smiles and skips towards the flower forest.

"I'm glad....you don't remember me..." Scott whispers to himself.


"Scott!!! Come for a boat ride with me to find cows!!!" Jimmy yells from across the flower forest.
"Ok, ok!!!" Scott runs over to Jimmy.
Jimmy and Scott have been living together for a few months now.
They walk over the mountain and get into a boat. They sail past an island covered by giant flowers. It looks beautiful. Jimmy stops the boat at it and gets out.
"Stay here!" Jimmy smiles and goes to grab flowers. "There's more flowers over there!!" He calls out, waving his hand back and forth.
Scott smiles softly and watches him leave, leaning against the side of the boat.
Soon enough, though, Jimmy comes running back over with two huge bags of flowers. He sits in the boat and faces Scott.
"This one reminds me of you." Jimmy whispers and holds out a poppy.
Scott's cheeks go pink as Jimmy tucks the flower behind his ear, softly caressing his cheek.
"Thank..you Jimmy," Scott whispers as he softly places his hand on Jimmy's.
"You're welcome, Flower." Jimmy smiles gently. Scott's heart and brain are fighting. His heart is beating out of his chest, telling him to kiss Jimmy... but his brain is telling him it won't be worth it...
In the end, he listens to his heart and leans in close to Jimmy and kisses him. Jimmy is so shocked by this action. His eyes widen for only a split second before fluttering shut and kissing Scott back.
When they part, they both blush brightly. Their hearts beat furiously.
"Jimmy...I-" Scott gets cut off by Jimmy pressing his lips against his. Scott melts into Jimmy's arms. He slowly slides into Jimmy's lap, wrapping his arms around Jimmy's shoulders.
Jimmy pulls away for a second. "You're..My..flower," Jimmy whispers against Scott's lips.
Scott nods and kisses Jimmy again.
"I...Love... You..." Scott stutters out, his face flushed bright red.
"I love you too, flower!" Jimmy laughs. He nuzzles his nose against Scott's, looking into his eyes lovingly.
Scott lets a giddy grin spread across his face, and then a warm feeling spreads throughout his body.

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