Homewreckers but in Limited Life

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"I can't believe you would betray me over some clock!!" Impulse yelled as he got hit in the chest with an arrow. Bdubs just shot. "I-I can't believe...you.." Impulse coughs as he falls to the ground and eventually loses his last life.


Bdubs shoots up out of bed, tears in his eyes. He's panting heavily. The nightmare, replaying over and over again. He wipes away the tears off of his face with shaking hands. That damn dream. It was the same one for the past 3 years or or so, only worse this time. It was still stuck on repeat. Bdubs hugs his knees and looks at his clock that Impulse gave him. It's 2:15 am. Bdubs sighs and studies the clock for a minute. It was hand-made and had a lot of intricate details. Impulse made the clock so Bdubs....wouldn't betray him....
Bdubs feels tears stream down his face. He betrayed his best friend. And all because of some damned clock... It was a clock that Bdubs never even wanted until he saw it. Bdubs lets his head fall to his knees and sobs quietly. His breathing slowly calms as he falls asleep.


Bdubs woke up to the sound of talking.
"Bdubs! You're awake!" A familiar voice says. Bdubs opens his eyes and sees his friends Cleo and Scar. They look concerned.
"Hey- what happened..?" Bdubs mumbles.
Cleo and Scar glance at each other.
"Our place got blown up. You got blasted when you were asleep... you've been out for 10 days." Cleo whispers.
"10 days?! I didn't - " Bdubs starts. "wait- is everyone else ok?"
Cleo smiles softly. "Everyone has been ok, Grian paused the timers since no one has ever been in a coma in the life series before this." Cleo mentions. Bdubs nods slowly and sighs in relief, his shoulders finally relaxing from their tense state.
"Can...you bring Impulse here?" Bdubs whispers. Cleo and Scar exchange glances and nod their heads. They get up from their seats by his bed and leave the room. Bdubs closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
Bdubs curls up and waits for Impulse to arrive.

He hears the door open about 15 minutes later, and he sits up. A very disheveled Impulse walks into the room. His hair is messy, but his cheeks are red and puffy from crying. "Bdubs!" Impulse runs over and hugs Bdubs. "Oh my god, you're ok," Impulse says in surprise as he pulls back to examine Bdubs face, "You're ok.." He notices Bdubs shivering slightly and gently pushes the blanket aside. He slides into bed next to Bdubs and pulls him close. "You cold?" He asks gently. Bdubs shakes his head. "Do you want anything?" Bdubs shakes his head again and buries himself in Impulse’s warm embrace. “Okay..” Impulse murmurs, rubbing circles into Bdubs back. After a couple of minutes, he hears a faint sniffling noise from Bdubs. He pulls back and looks at Bdubs. He’s blushing furiously. “Hey.. what’s wrong..?” Impulse questions, his eyebrows furrowing and lips pursing.“No..It’s nothing really, don’t worry about it….” Bdubs mutters quietly as he pulls the blanket back over them both and curls up into Impulse’s warmth. "Bdubs." Impulse says sternly. Bdubs reluctantly turns and faces Impulse. "Bdubs, if you say something is bothering you, tell me, please.. I'm your best friend." Bdubs feels his heart swell at these words and smiles softly. Impulse reaches out and cups Bdubs cheek softly. "Please tell me.."
"I love you," Bdubs whispers. Impulse's eyes widen in shock, his face slowly becoming flushed. He stares at Bdubs in disbelief. "What?" He asks incredulously after a few moments of silence. Bdubs laughs nervously as he buries his face into the crook of Impulse's neck.
"I said, I love you, you idiot." Bdubs murmurs, muffled by his shirt collar, not wanting to let go of him.  Impulse doesn't reply. Instead, he wraps his arms tight around Bdubs.
The kiss that follows after makes Bdubs blush furiously. Their lips meet softly as they lay on the bed. After a moment of hesitation, Bdubs pulls away and rests his forehead against Impulse's. "Is that okay…?" He whispers. Impulse chuckles. "Of course, we should have done that ages ago." Bdubs smiles sheepishly as he pulls Impulse closer. Impulse snuggles into his side and closes his eyes.
Bdubs kisses his shoulder and rubs his arm lightly. "I love you too." Impulse hums happily and relaxes fully into Bdubs' grasp. "I love you more..."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Impulse grunts, smiling contently. The two boys lay there together, in comfortable silence. Eventually, Bdubs starts dozing off again. Impulse chuckles.  He pulls Bdubs close and presses another kiss to his forehead. Impulse smiles lovingly at him and closes his eyes, falling quickly asleep as well. The two sleep peacefully wrapped together in each others arms.


Bdubs is playing with the clock. Impulse walks behind and rubs Bdubs' shoulders softly.
"I wonder who gave you that." Impulse grins.
"You did idiot," Bdubs giggles.
Impulse kisses Bdubs head. "I know, I know,"  He replies affectionately.
Impulse walks around and stands next to Bdubs. Impulse leans forward and rests his head against Bdubs.
"How's my pretty little Bdubs?" He whispers, nuzzling his nose against Bdubs' cheek.
"Im o-" Bdubs pauses. "I'm not little!!!" Bdubs yells, and Impulse laughs. "Don't make fun of my height!" Bdubs whines. Impulse laughs. "I was gonna say, you're my beautiful little Bdubs." He continues. Bdubs smiles shyly.  Impulse smiles fondly. "Your adorable little baby." He coos. Impulse lifts Bdubs chin and places a quick kiss on Bdubs' lips.  "I love you." He murmurs again.
"I love you too, Impulse."
Bdubs mutters shyly. Impulse smiles. He pecks Bdubs once more and then puts his finger to his chin.
"Hmm.. I think you're shrinking." He muses. "Oh, shut up." Bdubs says jokingly.
Impulse chuckles. "Whatever you say, shortie," He teases.
Bdubs playfully smacks Impulse on the arm. Impulse laughs as he picks Bdubs up. "Oi! Put me down!"
"Nope," Impulse smirks teasingly. "You're too cute."
Bdubs smiles and tucks his head into Impulse's chest. He feels Impulse wrap his arms around him tightly.
"Love you, Bdubs." Impulse whispers.
Bdubs smiles and brings his hand up to Impulse's face. "Love you too." He whispers, giving Impulse a chaste kiss. "Now cuddle me"  He requests.
"As you wish."


These two are wholesome, and I love them.

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