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Martyn's hands shake as he holds the axe in his hands.
"Come on. It's an order. The Red Winter is coming." Ren grins and kneels, he bows his head.
Martyn swings the axe and cuts off Ren's head.

A few moments later, Ren walks to him and laughs. "We are in power now, my loyal hand. The Red Winter is here." Ren grins evily.
Martyn is still shaking.
Ren notices, and his gaze softens. "Martyn. You did the right thing, lad." Ren grins more and pats Martyn on the back. He walks off into the Dogwarts castle.
Martyn drops the axe as soon as he leaves and looks at the blood staining his hands.
"He... he's gone crazy." Martyn whispers to himself. "M-My liege...what has gotten into you.." Martyn mutters until a voice in his head creeps in.
"Kill, everyone. Betray Ren, you have no loyalty. 'Hand'" The voice mocked.
Martyn shakes his head and rushes to his room. He throws some clothes into a sack and stuffs it with a blanket before rushing back down to the dungeons. He grabs one of the torches in the corridor and runs outside.
"I will not be manipulated by that monster." Martyn growls as he runs through the castle grounds. "If I must die, I will die defending you against those monsters." Martyn mutters darkly as he leaves Dogwarts. "My liege I will return.. I promise." Martyn whispers and runs far away.


When Martyn didn't show up to dinner, everyone was concerned.
"Skizzle. Have you seen Martyn?" Ren asks.
"No, sir." Skizz replies.
Ren looks around to the people at the table, and no one seems to know where Martyn is.
"He's probably practicing his swordsmanship outside." Impulse suggests.
That is a possibility, but Martyn never misses dinner. Ren gets up and looks for Martyn. When he sees Martyn's things missing, his heart drops.
Was Martyn taken...? No.. they wouldn't have taken his stuff. Did away?
"No.." Ren whispers. "Martyn...Martyn!!! Martyn!!!" Ren yells in despair as he falls to his knees, crying. "Where are you.. wherever you are..." He says quietly and sobs softly. "Please....come back. Come back home..." He begs. He feels like he lost something important again. Like a piece of him was ripped away from him.
Ren sobs.
"Come...come back, Martyn...I need you.." Ren whispers.


It has been 5 years since Martyn left. Things have been getting tense between Dogwarts and the Desert Kingdom.

"I'm just here for a friendly deal." Scar, the leader of the Desert Kingdom, grins.
Ren scoffs. "Your scams don't work on me, Scar." He says flatly.
Scar laughs. "You think this is easy. I can get you anything you want, Ren. But I want your friendship first." Scar explains while taking out his dagger, he twirls it in his hands.
Everyone freezes when they see the dagger in Scar's hands, and Ren doesn't, though.
"I have nothing to lose, Scar. But you do." Ren says coldly.

"Scar!!!" Someone yells.
Scar looks over to see his advisor, Grian, chained up with a knife to his neck.
"Grian!" Scar calls out. "You leave him out of this, Ren!" Scar demands.
Ren laughs.
"Listen, Scar. I do not wish to give you the power of the enchanter. Unless." Ren grins. "Choose Scar. Grian..or..the Enchanter." Ren smirks.
"What..?" Scar whispers. He looks at Grian and then back at Ren. The enchanter will make him very powerful, but leaving Grian... his best friend.
"Scar...?" Grian whispers.
"What do you choose, Scar? Grian or the Enchanter?" Ren grins.
"...Grian." Scar says simply. He lowers his sword to the ground.
Ren raises his eyebrows. "Let Grian go, Skizz."  Ren commands.
Skizz lets go of Grian. Grian falls to his knees.
"Now get out of here before I change my mind, Scar." Ren says with venomous eyes.
Scar nods and goes to Grian.
"Let's go, G." Scar whispers.
Scar picks up Grian and carries him away back to the Desert Kingdom.

Ren grins and goes back into his castle.
He sits on his throne and burries his face in his hands.
He opens his heart necklace's locket. It's a picture of him and Martyn before Ren was the King of Dogwarts.
His smile slowly fades as memories start to flood his mind of their time together. Martyn reads stories with him, cooking together, sparring together, dancing together, walking along the river banks together, sharing drinks together, arguing about silly things, and the dreams about kissing Martyn. His heart aches every time he closes his locket, and he can feel the emptiness inside of it.
He opens his mouth to yell at someone, but a knock on his door makes him stop. "Enter." He tells whoever is there.
The doors open, revealing a tall man. He is wearing a dark green cloak.
The hood hides his face, but Ren has a feeling this stranger knows who he is.
"My liege." The man says.
"What..?" Ren's eyes widen, the only person who calls him that is Martyn.
The man walks towards Ren. His boots click loudly on the stone floor.
Suddenly, the man pulls off his hood and reveals his bright green eyes and blonde hair.
"Martyn..!" Ren whispers. He jumps off his throne and hugs Martyn tightly.
"" Ren gasps. "How could you run away from me..?" Ren's voice is barely above a whisper, his eyes fill with tears.
Martyn looks down guiltily. He tries to say something, but Ren squeezes tighter.
"Why..why would you do this? Why..would you betray me?!" Ren hiccups and buries his head in Martyn's shoulder. Martyn rubs Ren's back comfortingly.
"I had to go." Martyn mutters after a while.
"What..what does that mean? What happened..?" Ren whispers and locks eyes with Martyn.
"Can't we talk about this la-" Martyn gasps. He got shot in the back with an arrow.
Ren looks up and sees Scar, Grian, and....Impulse. Impulse shoots another arrow at Martyn, which makes Ren pull Martyn behind him.
"Impulse! What are you doing?!" Ren yells angrily.
"He's working for me now, Ren." Scar grins. "Hand over the enchanter, and we will let Martyn live." Scar chuckles.

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