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A loud knock at Scott's door was not what he expected at 2 am. He groggily sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while wondering who could be knocking this late. He slowly makes his way to the door and opens it.
"Hey Scott..!" says a nervous voice.
Scott raises his eyebrows to see his enemy Fwhip here. "What are you doing here?" he asks as he leans against the doorframe.
Fwhip glances away from Scott, like he always does when he's nervous.
"Xornoth...kinda blew up...my house." Fwhip whispers with teary eyes. Scott raises his eyebrows in shock at first, and then his gaze softens. "Come on in." Scott says as he steps to the side. Fwhip walks in, and Scott shuts the door.
"Come sit in my library with me." Scott says as he puts on his house coat and walks to the library. Fwhip follows and sits on a comfy chair across from Scotts.

"So. Xornoth blew up your house... that's low. Even for a demon like him." Scott comments. Scott then must have realized something important because he quickly looked at Fwhip.
"Are you hurt..?" Scott asked with...so much concern. His eyes had such a warm and caring expression that Fwhip felt his heart melt. Fwhip shook his head, still looking at the floor, even though he could feel a blush rise to his cheeks. "No. It was mostly..fire I have a few burns, but that's about it. They don't hurt..from being a half dragon..which gives me the perk of being immune to fire."
He looked back up at Scott, whose face softened.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Scott said in a kind voice. His blue eyes never left Fwhips, and they were now full of compassion. Fwhip had never seen Scott so..concerned. Scott was always cold and stern. But now....his eyes hold an emotion that Fwhip can barely recognize.
"Let me see the burns." Scott says.
Fwhip removes his half burnt scarf and takes off his coat. His shirt is burnt to shreads.
Scott sighs.
"Stay here. I am going to grab you something to wear." Scott says as he walks off.
Fwhip waits for a few minutes before Scott comes back with clothes and medical supplies.
"Here. Take off your shirt." Scott says as he sets the items down. Fwhip complies and carefully peels off his burned shirt.
Scott carefully settles between Fwhip's legs, and he starts cleaning the burns on Fwhip's chest.
Fwhip, however, is staring at Scott's face. Scott's soft, fluffy, teal hair...his blue icy eyes and his long pointy elf ears. He also has beautiful freckles scattered all over his pale, delicate face that Fwhip would love to trace every one of them. Scott's cute focused face. Fwips hand reaches forward and rests on Scott's cheek. He brushes his fingers ever so lightly against Scott's jaw. He sees Scott turn pink. Scott lets out a breathy chuckle.
To his disappointment, Scott steps back to grab a medicine for the burns.
Scott starts rubbing the medicine on Fwhip's burns, Scott's coldness on Fwhip's warm skin is giving him chills. And Scott notices.
"Don't worry. The cold medicine will help speed up healing." Scott says. Fwhip nods silently. Scott finishes up covering the burns and puts some bandages on Fwhip.
Fwhip rolls his shoulders and groans in pain. Scott slowly walks behind Fwhip and starts giving him a massage. At first, Fwhip stiffens up, but after a minute or two, Fwhip relaxes completely into his touch. Soon enough, he begins dozing off. He doesn't know why, but he feels safe with Scott near him. So he just allows himself to fall asleep in Scott's arms, feeling comfortable.


When Fwhip wakes up, he feels very warm and comfortable. He opens his eyes and looks around. He's in Scott's bedroom, or at least he thinks he is. He sits up and pushes the blanket off of him. He stands up and puts on his shirt he found on the nightstand. Fwhip hears talking coming from outside of the room. He peeks out the door to see Shelby and Scott.

"Blowing up a house!? He hasn't done anything that bad yet.." Shelby frowns.
Scott hums and fixes his gloves. "Maybe we can track down Joey and make him give us answers."  He suggests. Shelby nods in agreement, and her frown turns into a smile. Scott seems to notice that Fwhip is awake and clears his throat. "Good morning, Fwhip." Scott says calmly.
Fwhip walks over. "Good morning, Scott, Shelby."
"Oh, Fwhip!" Shelby exclaims sadly and hugs Fwhip. "I am so sorry about your house!"
Fwhip laughs nervously. "It's fine, I am just going to rebuild it."
Shelby softly smiles. "I should get going- Katherine is waiting for me!" Shelby smiles and runs off as she waves. Scott stays silent and watches her leave.

"Are you hungry Fwhip? I could get my chef to prepare some food." Scott offers.
"No, I'm not, hun-" Fwhip gets cut off by his stomach growling. He blushes, "I'm a little hungry." He admits sheepishly. Scott raises his eyebrows and smirks. "Come then. Let's get you some food." Scott walks towards his kitchen.
Fwhip follows.


Fwhip stays at Scott's house for around 2 weeks before Fwhip could build his house.
But Fwhip didn't want to leave Scott's side. No matter how cold Scott acted, he always took care of Fwhip. So when Fwhip was going back to Grimlands, Scott was there.

"The house looks great." Scott comments. Fwhip nods.
"Thanks, I think." Fwhip replies. Scott smiles at him. "You're welcome." Scott smiles and starts to walk off. Fwhip frowns slightly and stops him by putting a gentle hand on his arm. Scott turned to face him again. "Why don't you stay?" Fwhip asks gently. "For a little.." Fwhip whispers.
Scott's gaze softens. "Do you want me to stay?" Scott raises an eyebrow. "We've seen each other every day for the past two weeks, I thought well last time I checked. You thought of me as an enemy." Scott crosses his arms with a slight stern look. Fwhip sighs sadly and shakes his head. "No..I was being dumb. You would never hurt Gem on purpose..I was being a bit much.." Fwhip says. "You aren't my enemy, Scott...and I don't want to be yours."

Scott looks at Fwhip and softly smiles. He walks closer to Fwhip and wraps both his arms around Fwhips shoulders.
"Well, if you insist." Scott says and leans his head on Fwhip's shoulder as he hugs him.
Fwhip hugs back. He closes his eyes as Scott continues to hug him. Scott smells like fresh pine wood and hot chocolate.
"You're warm." Scott whispers. Fwhip chuckles quietly. Scott loosens his grip on Fwhip slightly.  Fwhip opens his eyes and sees that Scott is now looking right into them. Their faces so close that Fwhips' breathing hitches a bit. Fwhip stares straight into Scott's icy blue eyes. He feels himself lean towards Scott. Scott tilts his head ever so slightly to the left, and their lips brush softly. They both pull away.
Scott's hand moves up from Fwhips shoulder to cup his cheek. Fwhip closes his eyes and leans into Scott's touch. When he opens his eyes again, Scott is watching him intently. Fwhip blinks a couple of times and realizes what is happening and pulls away with red flushed cheeks. "That was...we shouldn't have..I'm sorry." Fwhip stutters.
"Shh. Nonsense." Scott presses a finger agaunst Fwhip's lips. "There is nothing wrong with this. It was nice."
Fwhip nods and bites his lip. Scott's hand moves back to Fwhips cheek again. His thumb softly strokes over the smooth flesh of Fwhips cheek. Fwhip swallows and looks down. Scott lifts Fwhip's chin to look at him.
His blue eyes shine bright and pure with passion and affection.

"Fwhip. I really do want to be with you." Scott whispers. Fwhip nods softly. "And..I want you too." Fwhip says. Scott kisses Fwhip. Fwhip feels warmth spread through his body. Fwhip brings his arms around Scott's neck and deepens the kiss. Scott deepens the kiss, and Fwhip feels Scott push back against Fwhip. Scott pushes him gently until Fwhip is leaning against the wall. He pushes his leg between Fwhip's legs. Fwhip blushes and places his hands on either side of Scott's neck. Scott breaks away first, resting their foreheads together. Their noses are still touching, and they breathe heavily. Scott looks at Fwhip through hooded eyelids. He smiles a soft smile before capturing Fwhip's lips in another slow, tender kiss. They break apart and smile dopily at each other.

Scott suddenly leans forward to press his lips firmly against Fwhip's. Fwhip lets out a surprised gasp but soon melts into it. To Fwhip's surprise? Scott seems to like kissing him a lot. Fwhip pulls away and blushes a lot. He turns his head to the side. "Um..Scott I'm-" he stops short once he realizes that Scott is smiling softly at him. Scott chuckles and picks Fwhip up. Fwhip squeaks in surprise. Scott carries him bridal style inside Fwhip's house. Fwhip hugs Scott and yawns. "I guess I'll take you to bed, huh?" Scott teases lightly. Fwhip giggles and nuzzles Scott's chest, causing Scott to laugh along with him.
Fwhip drifts off to sleep in Scott's arms.


Fwhip wakes up in his bed. Scott's arms are wrapped tightly around him, holding him close.
Fwhip blushes and snuggles even closer to Scott's embrace. Scott stirs and grumbles. Fwhip giggles at him and brushes his fingers through Scott's hair.
Scott slowly cracks open his eyes and looks down at him. "Hey, sleepyhead." Scott murmurs. Fwhip smiles. "Hi Scott." Fwhip replies softly. Scott smiles and leans in to gently brush his lips over Fwhip's forehead.  Fwhip closes his eyes and smiles. Scott kisses his nose.
"Cuddle time?" Scott asks. Fwhip nods and pulls away so he can wrap his arms around Scott's waist. "I like cuddling with you.." Scott mumbles against Fwhip's hair. Fwhip giggles. Scott presses a small kiss onto the top of Fwhip's head.  "Me too.." he whispers.


Them <3

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