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Scar has always found his job as a barista very boring until this new customer came. His name is Grian, and Scar found him very interesting... and very funny to mess with. Each day, Scar would purposefully write the wrong name on his order to see his reaction, and his reaction today had to be the best.

Scar sees Grian walk into the cafe with another person. He is tall and has a fabulous mustache. They are laughing as they walk to the counter, Grian orders his usual drink and some green tea, probably for the other person.
Scar grins and starts making the coffee and tea.
As Scar finishes, he turns to the counter and writes the name on the order. He turns to the two and hands them the drinks. Scar puts the cash in the register as the two walk towards the entrance.

Grian looks at his drink, and his friend starts laughing. Grian turns towards Scar and storms up. "Who is this 'Grain' character!?" Grian points a finger at Scar.
Scar covers his mouth, trying to muffle a laugh. "Isn't that your name?" Scar raises an eyebrow, and Grian scoffs.
"It's Grian! G r i a n." Grian corrects. "Not Grain."
Scar grins.
"Well, there is no use in fixing it - go enjoy the coffee!" Scar laughs. As Grian walks away, Grian looks back and gives Scar a glare of disapproval. Scar sticks his tongue out at the man playfully. He sees a change in Grian's face, from agitated to a soft gaze. He thinks nothing of it, though.


The next day, Grian comes again, orders the same thing, but without the tea.
Scar giggles as he writes the name on the order. He hands it to Grian.
Grian looks at the name and looks back up at Scar.
"...Waffle? Really?" Grian raises an eyebrow as Scar hides his smile.
"Yup! Have a great day, Waffle!" Scar waves.
Grian scoffs and walks off, Scar couldn't help but notice he was smiling.

This goes on from what turns from days to weeks to months and now to a year.
Grian comes to the cafe every day, and Scar always writes the wrong name. Both have a laugh after, and it's great. Until..


Grian walks in but doesn't see Scar at the counter. Instead, he sees a woman with Orange hair and very pale skin. He walks over.
"Excuse me? Is Scar here today?" Grian asks, and the woman immediately looks sad.
"You must be Grian." She says. "Scar talks about you a lot."
"Does he?" Grian asks. "And where is he? He normally works this shift." Grian tilts his head.
"Scar is in the hospital. He was hit by a car after work..." the woman says with sad eyes. She looks like she is about to cry.
"Is he ok?!" Grian gasps. The woman nods her head slowly. "...Do you want to go see him?" she asks.
Grian nods and gets the information of the room he is in and hurries to the hospital.
He rushes to the front desk and asks the lady if he can visit Scar. She says he can.
Soon, Grian is practically running into Scar's room. His heart drops when he sees Scar hooked up to about 5 monitors. He quickly moves closer, gently holding onto Scar's hand. Scar looks so vulnerable lying under all those white wires. His eyelids flutter, and Grian feels a pang of sadness shoot through him. He squeezes Scar's hand harder. Scar's eyes fluttered open, looking confused and exhausted.
"Oh, Scar! Y-Your ok!!" Grian says.
"Were you worried about me, Grain?" Scar raises an eyebrow.
Grian doesn't laugh, however, his eyes sadden.
"Of course I was Scar! You are a great friend...and it wouldn't be the same without you there to make my day better, " Grian whispers, holding Scar's hand tighter. Scar grips Grian's hand. "I...I'm sorry. Now wasn't a good time for a joke.." Scar looks down. Before Grian could say anything else, a nurse walks in.
"Scar, we have to do some testing." She looks at Grian. "You can wait here if you want,"
Grian nods and waits.

After a while, Scar gets wheeled back into the room.

"Scar has to stay in a wheel chair for at most two years. He will come to therapy to help him start walking again." The nurse says. Grian looks concerned but also relieved. "His body needs time to heal." The nurse smiles sadly at Grian before leaving the room. Grian looks at Scar and walks over. "I promise I'll help you, Scar..."


And that's what he did. Scar and Grian became roomates (and they were roomates 😏) a year after the accident. Grian had been helping Scar walk around their apartment. Scar has been able to walk with the help of a cane and Grian's supervision. Grian doesn't care. He actually loves being with Scar. He may have fallen in love with he is in love with him. He wants to be there all the time...he wants to cook for him and hold his hand and make his life brighter. Scar just seems to get brighter, too. The way Scar looks at Grian makes his insides feel warm and fuzzy. It makes Grian nervous, though. What if Scar realizes he's in love with him? What if Scar doesn't love him back?  He hasn't told anybody yet, but he really hopes Scar does. He wishes he had more confidence in himself. So much for the strength he showed during the attack of the virus...But now, seeing Scar walk around their house again, Grian knew he had done well...even if he didn't believe he was worthy of that kind of admiration.

"Grian! Look!" Scar says as he pushes his cane to the side and walks to the other side of the room without help.
Grian's face lights up. "Scar. I am incredibly proud of you." Grian smiles as he gets up and hugs Scar. Scar smiles and hugs Grian back. "That means a lot to me, Grian." Scar says softly.
They continue hugging each other for a moment and then let go. "Would you... like to...go out for dinner tonight?" Scar asks quietly. Grian's face turns red. "Sure!" Grian replies and tries to hide his blush.
Later that night, they sit in a nice restaurant, talking about everything and nothing. Scar looks at Grian with stars in his eye.  He wants to hug Grian and keep him in his arms forever. "Are you enjoying yourself, Grian?" Scar asks Grian.
"Yes, I am Scar." Grian smiles.
When they leave the restaurant, Scar reaches for Grian's hand with the hand that is not currently holding his cane.
Their fingers intertwine as they walk to the car. Grian holds Scar's hand tightly as they drive home. They walk together to their door, hands still intertwined. Grian looks at their interlocked hands and blushes. He unlocks his door and walks inside. Scar follows suit. After unlocking the door, Grian lets go of Scar's hand. He sits at his couch, and Scar follows.
Scar turns to Grian. "What do you want to do, Grian?"
Grian looks at Scar and smiles shyly. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"
Scar nods and grabs the remote. They flip through movies until they find one of Grian's favorites. "You ready to watch this one?"
"Yes, I think so!" Grian answers happily. Scar turns the movie on, then gets a blanket.
Scar turns to face Grian.
"Let's share the blanket."
Grian smiles and takes the blanket from Scar's hand. They both lay on the couch and cuddle close together, facing the tv. Scar wraps his arm around Grian, and Grian wraps the blanket around the both of them.
Grian snuggles closer to Scar and closes his eyes. He can hear Scar breathing as they relax on the couch. He can feel Scar staring at him, probably because they are laying so close to each other. Grian turns his head towards him and smiles. Their faces are so close to their noses touch. Grian's breath hitches. He feels dizzy and starts getting nervous. Why is he getting nervous?! Grian shakes his head and turns back towards the tv, trying to ignore how close he is to Scar. He tries so hard until a hand grips his chin and turns his head back to face Scar. Grian stares wide-eyed.
"Grian, look at me."  Scar says softly but firm. Grian gulps nervously and opens his mouth as if he is going to speak, but Scar puts a finger to his lips.  " don't need to speak. Just listen.." Scar whispers. Grian stares at him in shock. Scar lowers his hand and leans forwards to press his lips against Grian's. He pulls away after a few seconds.
Grian's eyes widen once more, and his eyes start watering a little bit.
"Grian..." Scar trails off unsurely. "Was... that okay?" He asks softly.
Grian yanks Scar closer and into another kiss. This catches Scar off guard, but he doesn't mind.  Grian puts his free hand against Scar's cheek and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Scar gladly kisses back and places his own hands on Grian's waist, pulling Grian even closer to him. Grian's hand travels upwards, into Scar's hair. Scsr pulls away as he stares at Grian.
"My..." Scar giggles fondly. "My waffle.." Scar grins.
Grian smiles softly.
"My Scar~" Grian whispers.
"I will be yours forever, Grian.." Scar mumbles as he kisses Grian softly once again.
Grian wraps his arms around Scar's neck, gently pulling him closer. Scar's hands grip Grian's waist, keeping him close. Both boys kiss like it is the last thing they'll ever be doing. Grian sighs contently as they pull apart slightly. They stare at each other lovingly.
"So..." Grian smiles. "You're gonna let me call you mine?"
Scar smiles and runs his thumb across Grian's jawline. "I'd love nothing more,"
Both boys giggle like kids. Grian lays his head on Scar's chest, and they fall asleep, curled up in each other's embrace.


Wholesomeness wins once again

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