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Valentines Day!

One of Tango's favorite days to treat his boyfriend Grian. They have been together for 3 years, their 4th anniversary is next month. Tango decided he was going to cook Grian a homemade valentines dinner. The only problem was that Tango was not a great cook. Well…he has tried at it but he always ended up burning the food or burning himself (or something else). So it was hard to figure out how to make a nice Valentine's themed meal.
Tango had bought a lot of ingredients to try different things. Tango decided on starting simple. Spaghetti and meatballs, a classic meal. Tango grabbed the ground beef and did the easy part, seasoning.

Ok, the seasoning was harder than he thought. Did he need to add pepper? Was there enough salt? Was there too much salt?! Tango had no idea. Tango was getting stressed out, this was turning into a disaster! Tango did the reasonable thing and just started to form the meatballs. He ended up making them, but the counters got stained with excess beef. He couldn't even finish forming the balls properly. He had made a huge mess all over the kitchen floor. Tango pushes the meatballs in the oven and started looking for pasta. He grabbed the spaghetti, he started boiling the water as well. When the water finally boiled he poured the pasta into the water an accidentally got hot boiling water on his shirt. He screamed in pain and let the pasta fall into the water. That’s when everything went downhill from bad to worse.  He finished making the pasta but grabbed the pan that held the meatballs without a towel and he burnt his hand. He was now crying and the meatballs were on the floor. He ruined everything.


Grian was walking down the apartment complex hall holding a cute valentines day bag with a gift for his boyfriend Tango. He grabs his key out of his pocket and unlocks the door.
"Tango baby~! I'm home!" Grian calls out as he kicks off his shoes. Tango doesn't answer. This concerns Grian because Tango would have dashed out and practicality tackled Grian, lik3 he does everyday.
"Tango?" Grian places the bag on the side table and walks into the apartment more. Grian could smell garlic and tomato sauce from the kitchen. It also smelled like burnt food. What happened?
Grian entered the kitchen where he saw Tango standing at the counter looking down. He looked devastated. Tango turned around when he heard the door open and he was crying. Tears flowed down his cheeks.
Grian rushed up to him and wrapped his arms around him in an embrace. Tango hugged back tightly. "What's wrong baby?!" Grian asked. Tango just broke down completely and sobbed into Grian's chest. "Hey baby look at me." Grian wiped away Tango's tears and pulled back so they could see each other. Tango still wasn't speaking, Grian gently cupped Tango's face in between his hands. "Shh...~ Don't cry...show me what hurts love" Grian whispers softly. Tango slowly shows Grian his burnt hand. "Did you burn yourself, Tango?" Grian asks, still trying to console him. Tango nods. "I-It was an accident...I-I was..trying to make...you a Valentine's Day dinner...and I-I ruined everything!" Tango whimpers. Grian cups Tango's face again. "You didn't ruin anything, baby. I think...thats quite sweet" Grian smiles and kisses Tango's hand softly. "Let's help you with your hand. Then we can talk about this. Ok?" Grian whispers. Tango nods weakly. Grian leads Tango into the bathroom. Grian grabs some gel and rubs some on the burn on Tango's hand. After a minute, it seems to be okay. They wash the gel off and wrap Tango's hand with bandages. Once done, they go back to the kitchen and clean it up.
After, they sit on the couch.
"I got you something Tango." Grian grabs the Valentine's day bag and hands it to Tango. Tango opens it and gasps when he sees what's inside. Inside are 2 boxes of chocolate and a rose. His eyes fill with love and adoration as he looks at Grian.
"Thank you..." He says in a small voice. Grian smiles warmly and pecks Tango's forehead. "Anything for you, darling." Grian hugs Tango. "Maybe we can order food tonight and watch movies?" Grian suggests. Tango grins at Grian. "That sounds great," Tango replies.

Grian ended up ordering pizza and fries for them. They spent the rest of the night cuddled under the blanket watching movies. At one point, Tango yawned. Grian noticed so he stopped the movie, which led them to snuggle against each other. Grian pecks Tango's lips. "Are you tired sweetheart?" Grian whispers. Tango nods and hugs Grian tightly. Grian giggles and starts rubbing Tango's back.
Eventually, Tango fell asleep. Grian smiled and kissed Tango on the cheek, then continued the movie. Soon, Grian fell asleep holding Tango.

I wrote this on Valentine's Day- I just forgot to post it! I hope everyone is having a great day!

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