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Pix is visiting his hometown after 7 years. A lot of things have changed, his favorite food place was gone and so was his old house or other homes around the area. But one thing that wasn't gone was the playground on the edge of town. It was the same as it was 7 years ago. This made Pix happy.

Pix is current sitting on the swing, kicking his legs and just taking the beautiful view of the sky in. Until his thoughts were interrupted.

"Pix?" A soft voice says with slight hesitation.
Pix turns his head, and his eyes widen. "Zloy?" Pix whispers.
Zloy and Pix were dating before Pix left. They got in a real bad fight, and thats when Pix decided to cool things off and move to follow his dreams. But, Pix never stopped loving Zloy.

"Y-You're back.." Zloy's voice cracks slightly.
"I am." Pix says as he stands up. Something Pix wasn't expecting was getting hugged by Zloy.
Zloy's arms tighten around him, and tears fall down his cheeks.
"Y-You.." Zloy sobs. "A-Hole! You just left me like that!" Zloy scolds as he sobs more.
Pix's eyes widen as he hesitantly runs his fingers through Zloy's hair.
"I...didn't think you'd want...to stay in contact.. after I just suddenly ended our relationship." Pix admits.
"Pix...you had every right to end our relationship, I was a horrible boyfriend." Zloy whispers.
"Hey. Hey- no, you weren't!" Pix scolds.
"Yes, I was. I...I made you feel so bad..I..never responded...I-" Zloy gets cut off by Pix kissing his jaw, completely surprising and shutting Zloy up.
"What are you doing?" Zloy asks.
"We'll get to the point in this conversation, but first, can we just sit here and enjoy this moment together?" Pix says softly. Pix wraps his hand around Zloy's waist and pulls him closer.
Zloy sighs before nodding softly. "Okay, Pix." He whispers. And then both boys just let themselves enjoy the moment. Zloy rests his head on Pix's shoulder.


"Do you want some tea?" Zloy asks, awkwardly standing from his couch.
"Uh..sure. I wa-"  Pix gets cut off.
"Green tea with 3 scoops of honey and extra sugar?" Zloy looks at Pix and raises an eyebrow, a slight smirk on his lips.
"Oh. Yeah." Pix nods, and Zloy goes to the kitchen.

When Zloy gets back, he sits next to Pix and places their tea on the coffee table.
Pix is fiddling with his fingers, gaze never leaving the floor.
"Do you..have something on your mind, Pix?" Zloy asks softly.
"I..you-.." Pix looks up at Zloy. "You remembered..my favorite drink.." Pix whispers breathlessly.
Zloy smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "I remember lots of things about you. You..you meant so much to me. My whole life revolved around you. And even though it may not seem that way now.." Zloy pauses. "...I still love you, Pix." Zloy looks at Pix.
Pix's eyes widen, and sadness casts over him. "I..Zloy..I'm not staying...I'll only be here for a week." Pix whispers.
"Then I'll make this week the best week of your life." Zloy grabs Pix's hand. "Because you deserve it."
Pix's gaze softens. He knows he won't be able to change Zloy's mind. "Ok."


"So this is my office. I'm a writer now!" Zloy smiles gently. "I've written articles, plays, b-"
"Books?" Pix asks and holds a book in his hand.
The title reads, "Hermitcraft Recap."
"Oh- uh no." Zloy takes the book. "This is...so dumb. I watched a group of youtubers...and I wrote everything that happened throughout..uh before season 5 to...now season 7.." Zloy blushes, embarrassed.
"Zloy. I know what Hermitcraft is! I showed it to you." Pix scoffs with a smile on his face. "I thought you didn't like it." Pix teases.
"Well I lied-" Zloy blushes more.
"Obviously." Pix grins and takes the book back, skimming through the pages.
"You.." Pix can't help but smile more. "You're a great writer, Zloy."
Zloy's face flushes red even more. "You think so..?"
Pix hums in agreement as he places down the book.
"Thank you..uh let me show you around more."

After the office tour, Zloy shows Pix around the town.

"It's changed so much since you last were here. Remember Mrs. Kale?" Zloy looks at Pix.
"That really means culinary teacher?" Pix raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah! She got fired for cursing out the principal's wife!" Zloy grins.
"She did?! Of course. Mrs. Kale hated the fact that Mrs. Oakly had a wife." Pix rolls his eyes and does a fake impression- "It's against human nature. " Pix does an overexadurated pose.
Zloy starts laughing. "Oh, you're awful!" Zloy gasps between laughs.
"I know, I try!" Pix exclaims. And soon, their laughs turned into full-blown wheezes.
Pix is leaning on Zloy as they laugh, feeling warm and comfortable.
Soon enough, the laughter fades, and they look at each other with fond smiles.
Zloy is still laughing softly. "I missed you." Zloy whispers, smile still on his face.
"I missed you too, Zloy." Pix responds and bumps their heads together, affectionately.
"Want to go see more of town?" Zloy raises an eyebrow.
"Of course." Pix responds.

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