Jels Fluff

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Warning: Might Melt Your Soul. PURE SUGAR FLUFF


Wels' sword hits the ground after it gets knocked out of his hands by his best friend Jevin's sword. "Hah! Look I finally beat you!" Jevin beams while Wels holds up his hands in mock surrender.
"I guess so," Wels grins at his friend. It was a good match after all, even if he lost. Jevin picks up Wels' sword and walks over to him, expending his arm. He hands him his sword. "You ready for that rematch? Or are you scared of loosing again" Jevin teases. Wels glares at him and shakes his head with a grin.
"Not gonna happen," Wels says with a smirk. "But I can't continue, I have to make dinner or Hels will have my head on a stick." Wels jokes.
"Yeah, he will probably eat you." Jevin counters while he rolls his eyes.
"I'm serious!" Wels puts an emphasis on the word seriously causing Jevin to snicker. "Anyway, see ya tomorrow" Wels waves as Jevin heads off towards his own base. The two boys say their goodbyes and then they part ways.

Wels goes inside his base and changes into some comfortable clothes. He cooks dinner and waits for his brother to arrive. Finally, Hels walks into the house kicking his boots off and immediately going into the kitchen. After setting down the table, Wels joins Hels at the dining room table.
"How was practice?" Hels asks as he stuffs his face with spaghetti.
"It went well today, Jevin finally won a match." Wels replies while laughing at his brothers antics while taking a sip of water.
"Oh, that guy you have a thing for?" Hels asks with a teasing tone. Wels spits out his water and almost chokes, his face is flushed red. He coughs several times before saying anything.
"Shut up!" Wels yells while glaring at his brother. "He's just a good friend." Wels explains once he calms down enough.
"If you say so," Hels shrugs with a smirk. Wels groans and slumps against his chair, his mind is elsewhere though as he finishes his dinner. Once they're done, he helps Hels clean up the table before heading to his room, still blushing from earlier.

The next day when Jevin and Wels meet, Wels has been taking note of much smaller details of Jevin. The way he brushes his hair out of his face when he is nervous. How his large hoodie makes him look so small. How adorable he looks when he gets annoyed. And how beautiful his eyes are and...Wait.
Wels shakes his head a few times before blushing madly. Why was he noticing these things...and worse, why did he find his best friend so attractive.

"Crap." Wels mutters under his breath.

"So, you. Need my help. With your crush on Jevin?" Cleo laughs. Wels' face goes red.
"I don't have a crush on Jevin!" Wels yells defensively. But deep down he knows Cleo is right. There is no denying it. "We're friends." He lies.
"Sure. But what your describing is what I felt when I first realized I had a crush on Stress." Cleo smiles. "All I'm saying is that you should accept that you have feelings for Jevin." Cleo offers. Wels bites his lip but nods.
"Thanks Cleo. I'll think about it.  Wels says. "You better!" Cleo laughs. Wels shakes his head with a simple smile as they go their separate ways.

"Wels? Has something been bothering you? Jevin asks at their next training session. They are sitting on a bench together. Wels takes a deep breath before responding.
"I think that I might have a crush..." Wels admits, Jevin's face lightens up slightly. He smiles at Wels. "Are you gonna tell me who or am I not trustworthy enough" Jevin accuses playfully.
"What?! No! You're trustworthy Jevin, don't take this personal. But I do have a question. Do you like anyone?" Wels clarifies.
Jevin's face heats up. "Yeah...I do" Jevin smiles softly. Wels glances at Jevin.
"What is your crush like?" Wels asks quietly. Jevin looks away from Wels before turning back to his friend.
"He is just amazing." Jevin says before letting out another sigh. "He's very kind, gentle, handsome, strong, smart, funny, brave...And, yeah, cute." Jevin smiles at the last one. Wels chuckles and looks back at his feet. "What about your crush? What are they like?" Jevin asks as he looks at Wels. Wels bites his lip and turns his head to give Jevin a shy glance.
"Well, he's kind, soft spoken, caring..." Wels trails off. "They aren't easy to explain. They could be the most sarcastic person you've ever met and also extremely stubborn. They may act tough but they are soft, loyal, and sweet. They can be very loving and supportive." Wels looks back up at Jevin, the latter looking back at him with a soft expression. Wels gives Jevin another shy glance and quickly averts his gaze. "He's...he makes me feel safe, happy, content...He makes me want to spend time with him...he makes him." Wels mumbles the last part.
A warm feeling spreads throughout his body and he closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he notices that his hand is on top of Jevin's. Wels blushes slightly but doesn't move his hand away. Instead he intertwines their fingers together. Jevin is smiling at their joined hands. Wels feels butterflies flutter in his stomach. Wels feels Jevin's thumb rub comforting circles on his knuckles. Their gazes lock. A shiver runs down Wels' spine as he watches Jevin slowly lean in closer and closer. Wels' breath hitches. Jevin closes the gap between them and presses their lips together.
Wels closes his eyes and returns the kiss as he squeezes Jevin's hand softly. Jevin's free hand comes up to cup Wels' cheek. Wels' hand comes up and gently grips Jevin's hand. Wels pulls away to breathe and Jevin does too. Their breathing is shaky, and Jevin leans his forehead against Wels'.
"Is this okay? Was that ok?" Jevin mumbles. Wels lets out a short chuckle before kissing Jevin again. Jevin's breath hitches as he melts into the kiss by wrapping his arms around Wels' neck.
Jevin slowly breaks the kiss and rests their foreheads together once more.
"Yes, this is totally fine." Wels states. He pecks Jevin's lips gently one more time. Jevin smiles brightly.
"I love you." Jevin whispers with a slight blush on his cheeks. Wels smiles and kisses Jevin once more.
"Love you too." Wels whispers against Jevin's lips. Jevin blushes and lets out a content sigh. Wels burries his head into the crook of Jevin's neck. He enjoys this moment, being able to hold his best friend in his arms.  Jevin relaxes into the embrace, placing his head on Wels' head. Wels feels himself drifting into sleep. Jevin's arms tighten around him. Just as he starts to lose consciousness, he feels Jevin's fingers run through his hair. He hums contently and nuzzles his nose into Jevin's neck before falling asleep. Jevin sighs and smiles as he holds Wels close to his chest.

"Thank you Cleo" Jevin says as he looks up and at a tree. Behind the tree is Cleo, she is smiling contently as she definitely told Jevin that Wels had a crush on him.
"You're Welcome Jevin." Cleo responds softly with a grin.

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