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Jimmy was at House Blossoms anual ball. He hates it there. He was forced by his sister Lizzie to go. So, he is currently standing in the corner of the room near the exit, so as soon as his sister is ready to leave, he can get out as soon as possible. Being the younger sibling has it's perks though. He doesn't have to talk politics that often.

As Jimmy looks around the room, he spots Count Fwhip of Grimlands. The tall, well tall to humans, ginger haired male is standing in a corner leaning on his cane, probably waiting for his older brother Sausage, Jimmy's enemy/neighbor and, their younger sister Gem.
He....seems lonely.

Against his better judgment, Jimmy walks over to Fwhip.
Fwhip is wearing a black suit with white gloves, and his hair is neatly gelled back, but Jimmy sees the bags under his eyes from where he stood. Fwhip's posture is tense, almost rigid even with the cane, and Jimmy could tell how exhausted he actually was.
Fwhip looks at Jimmy as he approaches, his icy blue eyes staring right at Jimmy.
Jimmy grins nervously.

"You looked lonely." Jimmy says in barely a whisper. Fwhip's expression goes blank, his icy blue eyes never leaving Jimmy's own chocolate brown ones. "Do you want to dance?" Jimmy offers a hand subconsciously.
Fwhip laughs bitterly.
"And how do you suppose I do that?" His eyes shifted over to his cane.
Jimmy looks at the cane, then back at Fwhip.
"I have an idea." Jimmy pushes Fwhip's cane to the side, which makes Fwhip stumble into him.
"Hold onto me." Jimmy says. He wraps one arm around the shorter mans waist, placing his other hand on his shoulder. Fwhip looks surprised, maybe even surprised by Jimmy's boldness, but he leans slightly into the embrace. Jimmy leads them to the corner of the dance floor as a slower song comes on. He lifts Fwhip up slightly so Fwhip's feet are on his. Fwhip stares up at Jimmy, leaning into him fully. Jimmy grins and starts swaying to the beat. Fwhip isn't doing much, just leaning on Jimmy. As they dance, Fwhip slowly slides his arms to wrap around Jimmy's neck. Jimmy is a little bit surprised but doesn't let himself stop moving, and Fwhip lets out a soft sigh of relief as he relaxes further into the embrace. Fwhip's eyes are closed, and  he seems more relaxed than before, his fingers gently playing with the fabric of Jimmy's collar. Jimmy smiles softly and closes his eyes, too.

The slow music fills the air, and they seem to be swaying there for what seems to be hours. They are only interrupted when someone clears their throat.
Fwhip turns his head to see his older brother Sausage. His face goes red in embarrassment. He removes his hands from around Jimmy and pulls away slightly. “Sausage.”
Sausage raises an eyebrow at how Jimmy's hands tighten around Fwhip's waist.

"May I ask why you're dancing with 'him'?" Sausage glares at Jimmy.
Fwhip scoffs and looks at Jimmy, who is looking down at the floor. Fwhip's eyes soften as he stares at Jimmy. He turns back to Sausage.
"I wanted to."
This shocks both Sausage and Jimmy. Both of them look at Fwhip with surprised expressions.
"Well, I would like to know why."
Fwhip turns his gaze towards Jimmy. "Why not? He was offering." Fwhip says with a grin on his face. "Besides, you're always trying to make me talk politics or something. We both know you have no respect for anyone here besides yourself." He glances briefly at Sausage and then looks back at Jimmy with a smirk still on his face.
"You can leave now. Jimmy and I were having a moment." Fwhip states coldly.
Sausage scoffs and leaves.
When the two are alone again, Fwhip's expression softens.
"Sorry about him. He can be an idiot sometimes." Fwhip sighs. "Are you okay?" He asks. He reaches out to gently cup Jimmy's cheek and tilt his face downwards. When his thumb brushes against Jimmy's jawline, Jimmy feels heat rise to his cheeks.
Jimmy nods shyly. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says softly, smiling slightly. Fwhip's thumb caresses Jimmy's jawline softly.  Fwhip smirks again when he notices the blush spreading across Jimmy's face. Fwhip leans closer to Jimmy. Their noses are touching, the proximity causing them both to blush. Their lips almost brush, and Fwhip moves a few inches closer, closing the gap between them. Both of them close their eyes as they softly kiss. Jimmy feels his heart pounding rapidly in his chest as he kisses Fwhip. This feels so familiar, so natural, and it's all he wants. Jimmy's hands tighten around Fwhip's waist even more.
Fwhip pulls away after a few seconds, and they stare at each other, breathless and grinning widely. Suddenly, they jump apart, startled by the sound of someone coughing. They turn their heads to see a smug looking Gem. She gives a smug smile at the shocked look on Jimmy and Fwhips face.
"I'm telling everyone," Gem grins as she runs off.
"Gem!!" Fwhip reaches out, sighs, and turns back to Jimmy. Jimmy blushes even brighter than before and hides his face behind his bangs. Fwhip chuckles slightly and reaches out, and pulls Jimmy's bangs out of his way. Fwhip's finger trails lightly over Jimmy's cheekbones before he leans forward again, this time pressing his mouth firmly against Jimmy's once again. Jimmy blushes furiously. Fwhip pulls away and points to his cane. Jimmy walks them over and grabs Fwhip's cane for him. Fwhip grabs his cane and steadies himself.
"I should go find Gem before she actually tells everyone." Fwhip chuckles and walks off to find Gem.
Jimmy smiles.
"Have fun?" Lizzie grins.
Jimmy squeals in shock, and Lizzie wheezes.

What a great night.


I was thinking. Maybe a little bit of empires and the life series? Would you be interested?

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