Graph(beautiful ship name, I know)

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The photos were being very weird so this is Grian's POV of Zed when he smiles. ^
But thats spoilers for the future

Zedaph was in a predicament. He was so close to getting his 'I Try, I Spy' Zedvancement. But the only problem was he didn't have Grian. Everytime he tried he couldn't get a good shot or got caught by Grian or someone else. Zedaph decided he had to find Grian somewhere that was not his base because Grian's base was so hard to escape from.

The Hermits are all at spawn having their weekly meetings. Grian is sitting next to Zedaph, well he is practically on top of Zedaph as he tries to yell at Scar who is sitting on the other side of Zedaph. Scar shot Grian with his 'Hot Guy' bow and Grian was mad.

"Scar you better meet me outside Scarland and apologize!!" Grian complains. "I lost 90 enchantment levels!" Grian continues.
Zedaph notes that Grian is going to be meeting Scar at Scarland, thats the perfect place to get the photo of Grian.

So, when Zedaph went home he grabbed the unsuspecting bush costume, his camera and spyglass. He took off his armor and grabbed his elytra and flew over to Scarland to see Grian practically shaking some sense into Scar, which made Zedaph chuckle as he landed behind a building. He takes off his elytra and starts peaking around the corner trying to get a good photo.

Ok, Zedaph has to admit, he has been trying to get a photo of Grian for 20 minutes, its now night and the mobs are spawning. Zedaph pulls his sword out and starts fighting a zombie that disrupted a photo.

Grian and Scar were walking towards the Jellie statue when they heard a noise. Grian looked over and saw Zedaph.
"Zed-" Grian gets cut off by an arrow flying past his head straight into Zedaph's head.

'Zedaph was shot by GoodTimeWithScar using 'Hot Guy''

"Oh my gosh- Scar!" Grian rushes over to grab Zedaph's items.
Scar laughs nervously as he puts his bow away. "Oops..?" Scar whispers, embarrassed.
Grian shakes his head. "I'm going to bring these back to Zedaph." Grian says as he flies to Zedaph's base.

"Zed?" Grian calls out as he looks for Zed in his base. "Zedaph I have your things here." Zedaph doesn't answer as Grian walks down the halls of the base. "Zedaph?" Grian calls again. "I know your here! I saw you set your spawn yesterday!" Grian walks into the Zedvancement hallway and sees Zedaph sitting in a corner hugging his knees. Grian knew respawning hurt, a lot. He walks over to Zedaph and sits down in front of him.

"Zed. I have your items" Grian smiles. "Do you want them back?"
Zedaph nods silently and slowly uncurls himself, still hugging his legs. Grian hands the items to Zedaph. They sit there in quietness until Zedaph moves quickly to look in his camera.
Zedaph sighs.
"Only if I hadn't been caught...this would have been a great photo."  Zedaph sighs.
Grian peaks over and sees the photo Zedaph is looking at.

Grian peaks over and sees the photo Zedaph is looking at

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Grian chuckles. "Were you really trying to get a photo of me again-?" Grian laughs. "Why at night?"
Zedaph flushes red and looks away. "You and Scar kept moving around and I couldn't get a good shot of you until sundown then the stupid zombies and-" Zedaph keeps rambling on about what happened.
Grian watches Zedaph with a soft gaze as he smiles.
"'re really pretty." Grian smiles softly at him.
Zedaph pauses, he was caught off guard by the compliment and his brain decided to crash and reboot. His cheeks felt warm, his heart skipped a beat and all he could think about was Grian calling him pretty. It was almost too much for his brain to process as he sat there. When Zedaph snapped out of it he stared at Grian and smiled.
"Thank you Grian, I think you're really pretty too." Zedaph giggles and smiles brightly.

Grian's heart practically does flips in his chest as he looks at how gorgeous Zedaph looks. The way his eyes sparkle like stars as he smiles...the way he laughs…it's just everything about the moment made Grian forget how to breathe. All he can focus on is the smile on Zedaph's face. And then it dawned on him, why did Grian think Zedaph was beautiful? It's because Zedaph is beautiful, he truly is beautiful inside and out. And he is a person that Grian wants to spend every second with. He was the most beautiful creature Grian had ever seen. He was breathtaking, kind,  thoughtful, caring and patient...he had never seen anyone as beautiful as Zedaph in his life.
Grian's thoughts were interrupted when Zedaph grabbed Grian's hand. He looked into those dark purple eyes again. He blushed as he watched Zedaph pull him into a hug. Grian's mind went blank as he leaned into Zedaph. He felt safe and happy with Zedaph in his arms. For the first time in a very long while he felt complete...happy. He wrapped his arms around Zedaph and held him tighter than before, he closed his eyes and nuzzled into Zedaph's neck and inhaled deeply.
They stayed in this position forever. Neither wanted to let go. Finally, though the moment came to an end. Grian pulled away gently but firmly and rested his head on Zedaph's shoulder as they both sighed. Grian looked up and noticed Zedaph staring down at him with a dreamy smile and a glazed look in his eyes. Grian couldn't help but stare back at him. The two stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Then Grian's confidence shot up to about 90% as he tilted Zedaph's face towards his. Grian felt his heart rate pick up at his bold move as he leaned forward, he closed his eyes as he was inches away from kissing Zedaph. He slowly lifted himself to kiss him...when they heard footsteps approaching them. The duo separated with startled squeaks. They looked towards where the sound came from and saw Scar coming their way. Grian looked down to hide the blush creeping onto his face.

"There you are!" Scar says happily but obliviously. "Sorry about shooting you Zed" Scar smiles sheepishly. He looks at Zedaph as well and notices how tense the pair are. He furrows his eyebrows slightly. "Did something happen?" Scar asks curiously. Grian's blush grows deeper and Zedaph just chuckles.
"It's ok Scar, just look where your shooting that thing" Zedaph teases. Grian and Zedaph snicker as Scar pouts slightly. Scar shrugs as he turns to leave. "Well see you guys later." Scar waves goodbye and then leaves.

"S-So-" Grian stammers nervously.
Zedaph chuckles.
"Let's try this again." Zedaph smiles as he pulls Grian closer.
Grian blushes as Zedaph presses their lips together. The kiss is soft and tender. Zedaph's lips were soft. Grian felt warm inside as he kissed back. He wrapped his arms around Zedaph and held him close. This is the happiest Grian has ever felt as he kissed Zedaph passionately. But what Grian didn't realize was that Zedaph grabbed the camera with one of his hands and took a picture of them kissing, without Grian noticing. After he got the photo he put the camera down and went back to focusing on kissing Grian. After a minute or so Zedaph broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Grian's. "I love you Grian." Zedaph said in a whisper. Grian blushed bright red as he tried his best to say "I love you too" to Zedaph as quietly as he can but he failed miserably. Zedaph grins mischievously as he stands up and looks at his camera smirking.
"Zedvancement completed!" Zedaph grins as he shows the photo to Grian.
Grian's face goes red. "Zed!!" Grian squeaks embarrassed.

I put extra effort into this one, im trying to get my motivation back so this is a good way to try.

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