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Impulse has a crush on his classmate Bdubs. He is currently admiring him from across the classroom.
"Impulse... why are you so thirsty?" Tango grins, raising an eyebrow with a grin.
Impulse's face goes red. "Shut up, Tango..! You were the same with Jimmy..!" Impulse whisper shouts.
Tango laughs and rolls his eyes. "He is my boyfriend now. So it seemed to work out." Tango sticks out his tongue. Impulse just rolls his eyes at Tango and grins.
The teacher walks in and clears her throat.
"Today, we will be working in pairs that I have assigned. Your quiz is on Wednesday. You and your partner will be sharing a quiz." The class groans, but they don't argue.
She starts reading out partners, and after a few minutes, she says.
"Bdubs and Impulse will be working together." She then goes on to the next pairs.
Bdubs turns and smiles at Impulse.
Impulse's face goes red and smiles back.
When the teacher stops talking, she tells the pairs to start.
Bdubs sits next to Impulse and grins. "Hi Impulse!"  Bdubs exclaims.
"Hi..." Impulse blushes. Impressively, he manages to keep his cool around Bdubs. "So...for this project we have to do it on the World Wars." Impulse explains as he grabs his notebook and pen and flips through his papers. Impulse had to admit he was a history nerd.
Bdubs smiles at Impulse and grabs his things. "So a presentation?" Bdubs asks as he pulls out his laptop.
Impulse nods.

The two work on the project for the rest of the class. They were also getting to know each other much better.


It's currently 2 am. on a Tuesday. What are Impulse and Bdubs doing up? Well.
Impulse invited Bdubs over to work on their project, and they have been making it so perfect that it has taken them over 10 hours(with
It was finally done, and both boys are laying on a bean bag.
Bdubs is laying, close to Impulse's side with his head on Impulse's chest.
Impulse has an arm wrapped around Bdubs' shoulders, holding him close.  He rests his head on top of Bdubs. Impulse is trying to stay awake so he can enjoy the cuddles he is getting from Bdubs.
Impulse can't help but smile when he looks down and sees Bdubs fast asleep. His breath comes softly with his soft snores. Impulse can feel his heart beating rapidly against Impulse's chest.
Impulse lets out a content sigh and closes his own eyes, letting himself relax. Soon, impulse falls asleep.

When Bdubs wakes up, he feels very warm. He opens his eyes and looks up. He sees Impulse still sleeping. It's adorable. Bdubs decides he likes waking up with Impulse. He can see how peaceful he looks, like the most beautiful angel. Bdubs smiles and decides to just hold Impulse closer until Impulse wakes up. Bdubs grabs his phone and takes a photo of him and a sleeping Impulse.
Bdubs smiles gently and looks at the time.
It's 7:45 currenly, good thing their college courses don't start till later.
Impulse starts to stir. Bdubs smiles as Impulse slowly begins to wake up.
Impulse blinks his eyes open and yawns. Bdubs watches Impulse as he stretches, smiling softly to himself.
After a minute, he notices Bdubs staring at him and gives a confused look. He blushes and looks away shyly.
Impulse smiles sleepily. "Good morning.." he mumbles, stretching his arms over his head.
Impulse's voice is husky from sleep.
"Morning, impulse." Bdubs whispers. He is smiling at Impulse happily and admires how the early morning light makes his hair even more ethereal. He can't stop staring. Impulse is so beautiful. Bdubs thinks. "Why are you staring at me so intensely?" Impulse asks with a slight blush and a sleepy smile.
Bdubs chuckles quietly and rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Oh no reason..." He replies, looking down, avoiding eye contact with Impulse. Impulse giggles.
"Whatever you say, Bdubs." Impulse grins sleepily and scoots off the bean bag, then gets up. "I am gonna take a shower. You can take one after I do." Impulse says as he grabs a towel and some clothes, then goes to the bathroom. Bdubs just watches him leave and smiles. He lays back onto the bean bag, thinking about how happy he is right now. As he closes his eyes. Bdubs hears the sound of running water.
About 15 minutes go by Bdubs hears footsteps. He opens his eyes and sees Impulse standing there in fresh clothes and messy wet hair. He has a small towel draped over his shoulder as he grabs a hair tie and ties up his wet hair into a ponytail. His cheeks are slightly pink, and he's smiling softly. He is cute. He is really cute. Bdubs thinks. Impulse is wearing one of those oversized sweaters that hang off his shoulders. Impulse suddenly notices that Bdubs is staring at him with a goofy smile on his face. Impulse blushes lightly.
"You gonna go take a shower now, Bdubs?" Impulse raises an eyebrow.
Bdubs shakes himself from his trance and blushes, too. He looks up at Impulse with a dopey grin. "On my way!" Bdubs days playfully and stands up.
Impulse gives him a towel and some spare clothes. "Thank you." Bdubs grins at Impulse again before rushing over to the bathroom.

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