Boat Boys

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Joel gets woken up by banging on his door. He groans unhappily and looks at the time.
"10:28?!" Joel yells and sits up. He's going to be late to his 11:00 class. Joel quickly walks to the door and opens it.
"There you are, sleepy head." Etho crosses his arms and laughs. "Go get a shower, I'll make you breakfast."
Etho is Joel's childhood best friend. They have been attached at the hip for over 15 years.
"Thank you-!" Joel yells and runs to go take a shower.
Etho walks in and starts to cook some food.

Around 15 minutes later, Joel goes to the kitchen and sees Etho setting down a full breakfast, eggs, toast, cubed potatoes, and bacon.
"Etho. You didn't have to make all of that for me." Joel walks over.
"I did. You deserve it. You work hard." Etho pulls his mask off and smiles at Joel.
Joel is happy Etho feels comfortable enough to show him the lower half of his face. It makes him feel special.
"I don't have enough time to e-" Joel gets cut off by Etho pushing a piece of bacon in his mouth.
Joel chews the bacon and swallows. He then rolls his eyes and starts eating. "Fine, if I'm late, it's your fault." Joel grins.
"You woke up late-" Etho counters.
"Shh, unimportant." Joel sticks his tongue out.
Etho laughs. "Alright, fine, I love you too." Etho pats Joel's cheek. "Eat your breakfast and then go." Etho pushes another piece of bacon into Joel's mouth. Joel chews the bacon before saying anything.
"Love you too, Etho." Joel says, as he blushes.
The two of them have always told each other they love each other, it's what they did. But noe Joel started to develop a crush on Etho. His words have a lot of meaning.
Soon, Joel finishes and sprints to class, making Etho laugh.


"How were your classes today?" Etho smiles as he lays his head on Joel's lap and scrolls through social media. Joel runs his fingers through Ethos soft hair absentmindedly. The only thing keeping him happy right now was Etho's soft breathing.
"They went okay, I think." Joel smiles. "How were your classes?"
"They were great! We started programming robots and learning about how the brain of the robot is the most crucial component. The brain is made out of cultured neurons! Without it, the robot wouldn't be able to function. It makes a robot able to have knowledge and the ability to recognize surroundings. It also helps with devision making and reactions. The brain powers every part of the robot body." Etho starts rambling about coding and engineering.
Joel blushes and listens to Etho ramble. He loves listening to Ethos speak. Joel's never had much patience when it came to technology. So whenever Etho gets excited about something new or exciting, Joel listens attentively. He loves hearing Etho ramble about his passion. The way his eyes light up and get so bright, as if he can't contain himself... Joel has never seen anyone so passionate about their work and love as Etho.

"Joel?" Etho's voice breaks Joel out of his thoughts.
"Yeah?" Joel blinks a few times.
"Are you coming to Grian's party on Saturday?" Etho looks up at Joel expectingly.
"I am. Are you?" Joel runs his fingers through Etho's hair.
"I am. We should sit in a corner together and read." Etho jokes.
"Sure, sure." Joel smiles and pulls Etho to sit up on his lap. Etho giggles and leans against Joel.
Joel yawns and leans against the couch, wrapping an arm around Etho's waist. Etho smiles contentedly and snuggles closer to Joel. Both of them drift off to sleep.
Joel wakes up again when he feels something soft brush up against his chest. It's warm, very warm. Joels eyes open to see Etho's head laying on his chest. The rest of his body is between Joel's legs. Ethos hand rests loosely on Joel's thigh. Joel blushes. He gently strokes Etho's forehead with his thumb. Etho sighs quietly and closes his eyes more. Joel chuckles and continues to run his fingertips lightly over Ethos face. Etho stirs slightly and turns his head, pressing his face into Joel's chest. Joel freezes and slowly removes his hand from Ethos face. Etho mumbles something incoherently and wraps his arms tighter around Joel. Etho moves slightly, pulling Joel towards him. Ethos face nuzzled deeper into Joel's chest. Joel lets out a shaky breath and slowly relaxes. Etho's hair tickled against his neck. The gentle rhythm of Ethos breathing lulls Joel into a state where he's completely relaxed. His eyes flutter shut once again, and he falls asleep.

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