Scarian Angst Pt. 1

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It's currently Scar and Grian's four year anniversary. Scar is planning to propose today.

"He will one hundred percent say yes!" Bdubs reassures Scar as he helps Scar with his tie. "You'll have a beautiful wedding, Scar."
Scar smiles at that, but doesn't respond verbally, instead opting to hug Bdubs.
Bdubs hugs him back. "Go get your man Scar!" Bdubs shouts as he starts pushing Scar out of the house.
Scar chuckles, waving goodbye before heading to Grian's house.
When Scar arrives he knocks on the door but receives no answer. He tries again, this time knocking with more force, calling for Grian. When there still isn't an answer he heads inside the house, only to be met by an empty living room.

Scar frowns in confusion, looking around the room until he hears a noise from upstairs.
With a smile on his face, he takes off towards Grian's bedroom.
As soon as Scar walks into the room he freezes. He see's Grian kissing Mumbo. Both of them are laughing and Grian has tears in his eyes.
The sight of Grian smiling so genuinely hurts Scar.
"Really Grian....on our anniversary?" Scar mutters softly. He feels so angry...and betrayed. Grian was his soulmate, yet he chooses to cheat on him?
Suddenly Grian looks over at Scar. Their eyes meet and Grian blinks several times.
"What are you doing here?" Grian asks nervously. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"I took the day off..for our anniversary.." Scar says quietly. "Why would you do this? Why would you cheat on me?!" Scar yells, anger and sadness clear in his voice.
Grian flinches slightly at Scar's words. Mumbo just stands there awkwardly.
"We've been dating for years! I love you G!" Scar continues, now shouting in desperation. He can feel himself tearing up as everything finally sinks in. "But it doesn't matter because you don't love probably hate me. Don't you..? Come on Grian, tell me that you hate me"
Grian looks like he wants to protest, to say something but no words come out. Tears start pooling in Scar's eyes. He knows he shouldn't cry. They are going to break up anyway. They both know this.
"Scar....I don't hate you! I promise!" Grian cries.
"Then why did you cheat on me?! With Mumbo of all people!" Scar yells. His chest feels tight, his hands ball into fists, his heart breaking in two.

"Because I'm stupid!" Grian shoots back, tears pouring down his cheeks.
At those words Scar loses control. Tears stream freely down his face. "Stupid? You're not stupid Grian!" He yells in frustration. "You are the smartest person I know!! Your so intelligent!! But I just don't understand decided to cheat on me..and I know it's not because your stupid.." Scar cries out. He stops, taking a deep breath to compose himself.
This is hard...harder than Scar ever expected. "How could you...after everything we'd been dare you hurt me like this!?" Scar screams in pain.
Grian falls apart when he sees how upset Scar is. "Please Scar....don't cry..please don't cry..." he says in desperation.
Scar's crying so much he can barely speak.
"A-And to think..." Scar pauses as he grabs a box out of his pocket. "I was going to propose to you, ....hah that's funny..isn't it?" Scar continues. He sets the box down on the ground, tears streaming down his face.
Grian stares at it.

Scar turns around and starts walking back towards the door. "Goodbye Grian. Goodbye Mumbo." He adds, wiping his wet cheeks.
"Have fun, G." With that said he shuts the door behind him.
Once he's gone Grian falls to his knees sobbing, picking up the box and clutching it tightly. He lets out loud wails of misery.
Mumbo sits dumbfounded next to Grian and watches him cry helplessly.
Grian's shoulders shake violently as he continues crying. Mumbo reaches out hesitantly and places a hand on Grian's back. Grian whips his head round to look up at Mumbo. "I-I'm so sorry..." Grian cries. Mumbo pulls Grian into his arms and tries to calm him down.

POV Change:(kinda)

When Scar gets to his house, he runs into his room, locks the door and starts sobbing harder than before. How could Grian do this to him? After everything he sacrificed for Grian. After being there for him every single step of the way.
Everything comes crashing down on Scar. The memory of everything he'd given up in order for their relationship to work hits him like a truck. He loved Grian so much.

But Grian didn't love him.


This one is short but there will be a part two!

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