Ranchers <3

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It's a cold night, so cold it's snowing. Jimmy is currently sitting in the corner of his burnt down ranch, hugging a blanket. His legs are shaking, and he keeps looking up at the sky through the broken walls. He hears footsteps come closer to him, a familiar face peaks around the corner, and it's his soulmate Tango.
"Hey Jimmy," Tango says softly as he walks over, holding a few logs. "Got wood for the ranch. " Jimmy can hear that smile in his voice, but his eyes remain glued on the stars. "You're shivering." Jimmy feels warmth wrap itself around him. Tango is hugging Jimmy softly, Tango is naturally warmer than humans since he is a netherborn. Jimmy leans into Tango.  "You're okay, though, right?" he asks, and Jimmy knows Tango is worried. But Jimmy doesn't want to tell him that he's scared. Because it would be too hard. "No, I'm fine, just a little tired. You know how it is,"
Tango sighs. "I'm going to start rebuilding the walls." He turns away from Jimmy. There's silence for a moment until Jimmy grabs Tango's arm.
"Don't l-leave...my side," Jimmy says, his voice cracking. A lump starts to grow in his throat, and he wants to cry again. Tango stares at him and then looks back at the ruined ranch.
"Okay..." He smiles softly and pulls Jimmy closer, "I won't leave your side." The two hug tightly, not needing to say anything more than this. Jimmy lets himself relax. His body calms slowly, and he soon falls asleep with his head resting on Tango's chest. Tango holds Jimmy close and strokes Jimmy's golden wings softly. He loves the feeling of their soft texture against his hands, but most of all, he loves Jimmy.  He's beautiful. Tango will never stop being amazed at how much beauty this boy has. His hair is gold, and his wings shine like starlight.  "I love you," Tango whispers softly against Jimmy's head as he falls asleep.


When Tango wakes up, he sees someone.
"Etho!" Tango grins at his friend.
Etho shakes his head slightly and tosses a few blankets and more wood to Tango.
"Don't tell Joel I was here." Etho whispers as he walks away. Tango nods at his friend's retreating figure before turning to Jimmy and kissing his forehead. Jimmy sighs contently as Tango gets up and starts rebuilding the ranch. After a couple minutes of building, Jimmy is still asleep. Tango gently picks him up bridal style (his soulmate always loved when Tango carried him) he carries him to a bed he just made and lays him down. After making sure his soulmate is sleeping peacefully, he goes back to the building.

After about an hour, he has an entire wall rebuilt. He sets it up and walks towards the bed. Jimmy groans sleepily as Tango sits next to him. He rubs his eyes with one of his hands and snuggles into Tango, who hugs him tight. "Morning, rancher~," Tango whispers. Jimmy whines something incoherent in response as he burrows further into Tango.  "You're so cute." Tango tells him. Jimmy blushes and nuzzles deeper into Tango. He wraps his wings around both of them and sighs happily.  Tango chuckles as Jimmy's wings tighten around him.
"What do you wanna do today?" Tango asks. Jimmy mumbles something unintelligible as he nuzzles deeper into Tango's warm chest. Tango chuckles again. Tango lifts his soulmate up in his arms and cuddles. "Rebuild..." Jimmy mumbles.
"I did. Look, " Tango grins.
Jimmy opens his eyes slowly to see the front of their ranch fixed. He sits up and beams at his soulmate. "You did it!" Jimmy grins.
Tango chuckles. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" he questions.  Jimmy laughs softly and throws his arms around Tango, and kisses him. Tango responds by kissing him back passionately. They pull apart slowly. "Come on, we should build the rest of the ranch." Tango suggests as they walk back to the ranch. Jimmy hums in agreement. The two continued working on the ranch, and soon enough, they finally finished fixing the ranch. Once the work is done, they sit down, Tango leaning against the side of the house, and Jimmy lying on his chest. They stare at the stars.
"They're getting really pretty tonight..." Jimmy says.
"You're prettier." Tango smiles softly.
Jimmy rolls his eyes playfully, but a small smile appears on his lips. "Whatever you say, rancher," Jimmy leans into Tango more. "You know I love you, right?" He asks. Tango chuckles. "I do, and I love you too."


The ranchers have stolen my heart :)

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