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"Get your hands off of me!!!" Etho yells as two angel like people drag him down the hall of a castle. He fights against their grip, kicking his heels at them to keep himself out of reach, but they hold on tighter. The more he struggles, though, the harder they dig into his skin with long fingernails. "Please let go, I can't stand it!!" He yells, finally giving up after several failed attempts at escape.
Soon, they get to a large door, and the two angels throw Etho in front of the door. "Go in. He is waiting." The one angel says. They disappear back into the hallway without another word. The other angel pushes Etho forward, and he walks inside. It's a throne room, with large purpur pillars and quarts walls, the floor is made of marble.
"Walk straight. He will be at the end of the room." The second angel says and leaves Etho in the room.
Etho walks forward deeper into the room when he spots a large throne. He sees a small man sitting on the throne, one leg on top of the other. He has a crown that's not on properly and a mask over his eyes with a strange symbol on it. The man has purple wings with...eyes on them. He sits tall and regal looking. "Well, look who decided to show up," the man drawls lazily. Etho flinches and looks away from him. The man lets out an amused laugh, "Come here. Sit." The man says as he points to the floor in front of his throne. Etho does as told. There's something about his voice that makes Etho want to obey his every command, but he doesn't understand why.
Etho sits on his knees in front of the throne.
The man uses his finger to tilt Etho's head up to look at him.
"Tell me your name." He grins.
"It's Etho." Etho whispers.
"Well, Etho, you are here for a special reason. You have been chosen to be my personal guard. You will accompany me wherever I travel, do anything and everything for me. That includes protecting me from other angels, demons, and even humans, of course. You must also obey all of my commands and follow through with any request I make, regardless if it's reasonable or unreasonable."
Etho looks shocked.
" names, Grian." Grian says as he gently lets Etho lower his head.
"Why me..?" Etho looks at Grian.
"Because I have been watching you for some time now." Grian responds and smiles softly.  "Do not worry, I will take care of you.''
Grian moves his hand to Etho's cheek. His fingers caress his face slowly and gently. A shiver runs down Etho's spine. Grian leans in closer until there's only inches between them. "I promise I'll always protect you. From anyone who tries to hurt you. I expect you to do the same." Grian whispers and traces his thumb over Etho's cheek.
Etho feels weak. He leans his head into Grian's hand subconsciously.
Grian smirks and slowly pulls his hand away.
"Here. Accompany me to my dining area." Grian says and stands up. He puts out his hand, and Etho grabs it gently.

As they walk down the hall, Etho looks  Everything is decorated beautifully. In fact, the whole room is decorated beautifully. All kinds of crystals dangle from the ceiling, and there are beautiful patterns of flowers etched into the stone walls. Grian leads him through halls lined with portraits of different angels.
Soon, they get to a door.
Grian opens the door, and it leads to a large dining area.
Grian walks in, and two people run to Grian and Etho, both bow to Grian.
"Etho. This is Pearl and BigB. They always watch." Grian grins, and the two angels giggle.
"We're always watching," Pearl grins.
"Always watching," BigB agrees, and they both run off. Their laughter echoes around the room before disappearing completely.
"Sit here." Grian motions towards one of the empty seats next to him at the table.  Etho nods and walks towards the seat.
"What's the eye mask for..?" Etho asks.
Grian seems surprised by the question.
"It's a tradition. I don't have to wear it all the time, but it prefer it." Grian answers and sits.
Etho nods.
Grian pets Etho's head gently. Etho's cheeks go pink, and he leans into Grian's hand. "You are very soft and fluffy. What are you made of?" Grian murmurs.
"Um.." Etho stammers.
"Are you made from sugar?"
"No...?" Etho mumbles.
"Oh, then what are you made out of?" Grian continues to pet his head.
"Uh..acids...and proteins..?" Etho answers.
"Humans are interesting," Grian says and tilts Etho's head to the side. He studies Etho's face.
"Your face is very cute." Grian smiles slightly.
Etho blushes again.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite~" Grian laughs lightly.
Grian picks up Etho's left arm, placing it delicately on his lap and playing with Etho's hair. Etho leans into Grian's hand once again. He looks up at Grian and finds a fond smile on Grian's face. Grian notices Etho staring at him and flashes him an amused smile. "What?" He asks.
Etho's face gets hot. "Nothing." Etho glances away. Before Grian can speak again, a few angel butlers fly in with food. They place food on the table.  The butler places the plates in front of them and bows deeply. Grian pays them no mind and turns to Etho. "Go on, eat. I am sure you're hungry."
Etho hesitantly takes a spoonful of soup and brings it to his mouth and eats it. Grian watches him intently until the bowl is empty.
"Was it good? I don't normally eat the food made by my chefs." Grian admits sheepishly.
"It was really good. Thank you so much." Etho replies quietly.
Grian chuckles. "Anytime. Now. Let's settle you into your room." Grian stands and leads Etho to a large room.
"You can have a good nights rest here. You will have guard training in the morning. Good night, Etho." Grian says and walks off, leaving Etho alone. Etho walks to the bed and lays down. Immediately, he feels tired and falls asleep in less than 10 minutes.

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