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Etho was good at fighting. Well, he was before his two and a half year break. So, currently, the situation he was in was not the best.
He is currently fighting a very powerful gang. All he wanted to was to get to his apartment quicker. I guess that wasn't happening.

One guy hits Etho's leg with a crowbar. Etho stumbles, and a guy from behind him punches him in the back, causing him to go forward right into an impact of the crowbar hitting his head.
He falls down on his hands and knees groaning in pain as another thug walks up. He kicks Etho in the stomach, forcing him onto his side. The guy grabs Etho by his hair to keep him on his stomach and starts to beat him.
"Look at old strong Etho, guess you're washed up now," one says as he starts slamming the crowbar against Etho's legs. He hears a crack. "See, it hurts, doesn't it?" Another asks."Yeah, it does, Etho." Another guy agrees with the first one, Etho can barely hear them over his own screams of pain. "Let me finish you off." This guy finishes the sentence. Etho tries to move, but the guy holding his hair pulls it harder. All of them hear a shout. "No!!"

Etho looks up the best he could to see Scott....why was
Everything goes black.

"You let go of him!!" Scott yells, leaning on his cane.
The men laugh.
"What's a guy that can barely walk do to us?" One guy laughs as he walks to Scott.
Scott lowers his head as the guy gets closer. When he is close enough, Scott kicks him in the stomach and hits him over the head with his cane.
The man falls to the ground, and Scott steps on his neck, crushing it. Scott runs at one of the other guys, jumps on him, and sticks the cane into his chest at full force.
He then proceeds to hit him across the face repeatedly with it. The man stops moving. Scott turns to see the last one standing. He has a knife in his hand. "Don't touch him!" Scott yells as he jumps at the guy.
The guy dodges and laughs when he doesn't see Scott. But soon, he feels something against his neck.
Scott has his cane right against his neck, choking him. Scott pulls roughly against the mans neck, breaking it and choking him. The man dies on the floor, clutching his throat.
As he falls, Scott lets him die without feeling bad or guilty. This man has hurt Scott so many times already, and Scott just saved Etho.
He walks over to Etho, who is lying unconscious on the ground. He bends down next to him. "Etho...are you alright?!" He gently puts his hand on Etho's shoulder. "Etho, wake up." he shakes his shoulder lightly, trying to wake him up, but Etho wouldn't budge. He was clearly still in a lot of pain. Scott sighed and called the only person whom he could think of. Cleo.


"What happened to him?" Cleo asked Scott as she finished bandaging up Etho's arms.
"He got attacked by that gang he arrested 6 years ago, the ones that broke free." Scott explains.
Cleo nods. "Well, I'll take care of him. What happened to your foot, Scott?" She asks.
"I got my foot stuck on the crowbar when I went to help Etho," Scott replies.
"I didn't think Etho and you were friends," Cleo remarks. "Last time I checked. Etho is a cop. You are a hitman." Cleo grins.
Scott huffs annoyed. "He saved my life... more than once." Scott whispers. Cleo raises her eyebrow. "I had to repay him somehow." Scott continued.
"I understand. Now go sit and rest your foot. Doctor Cleo will help Etho." Cleo grins. Scott looks like he wants to argue with her, but he knows Cleo will force him anyway.
"Thanks, Cleo. I owe you big time." Scott says. He looks down sadly.
"Nah, don't sweat it, I like to help people." Cleo smiles reassuringly.


Etho wakes up to an unfamiliar room. He looks around and sees Scott asleep in a chair in the corner of the room. He also hears the door open, he looks and sees...Cleo.
"Oh good. You're awake." Cleo says and sets down a coffee. "Don't try and sit up yet. Your back was pretty badly injured." Cleo advises.
Etho nods.
"Cleo..." Etho mutters.
"Hmm... yeah?" Cleo replies, sitting down in front of Etho.
"Why can't....I feel my legs...?" Etho whispers.
Cleo frowns.
"Your legs...were injured won't be able to walk again least 6 years." Cleo says sadly. "Sorry to inform you this Etho." She adds sadly.
Etho blinks, confused. "So what... now I'm going to be stuck in a wheelchair? And if I can't walk, how am I supposed to work?" He asks quietly. Cleo sighs deeply.
"There is a lot... you can still do as a cop Etho. Maybe machine analysis? You were always interested in the machines at the station." Cleo sighs. "Or you could always use some kind I'm sure there would be something that works for you..." she trails off. "I'll find something for you." Cleo mumbles, looking down.
"Besides that... Scott saved you. You should thank him when he wakes up. That coffee is for you." Cleo whispers and leaves the room.

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