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"Scar..Wake up love" Doc whispers as he pulls Scar close. He smiles fondly, watching his lover's eyes flutter open. Scar blinks several times to clear the sleep from his eyes before he sits up.
Doc leans forward and presses a kiss to Scar's forehead, then pulls out of bed. "I'll make some breakfast." he says, leaving a sleepy Scar in bed.
He quickly runs downstairs and gets started on making breakfast for the two of them. When he finishes making their breakfast, he turns around and is met with a rather tired looking Scar standing at the top of the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning my Scar." He smiles. "Do you want breakfast? We could eat in the lounge room?" Scar just nods sleepily in reply, making his way to sit down at one end of the couch.

Once he has food ready they both go into the living room. Once they're done eating the pair curl up together on the couch. As they lie there watching television Doc can't help but notice how tired his boyfriend looks, despite the fact that he went to bed earlier than he normally does. Scar yawns again causing Doc to laugh softly. "Are you alright Scar?" Doc asks, reaching over to hold his hand.
Scar sighs in contentment as he lets Doc's thumb rub circles across his palm. "Just a little sleepy. But it's nothing I can't handle." He kisses Doc gently and rests his head on Doc's shoulder.
Doc hums happily. "Well, maybe you should get more sleep." Doc suggests.
Scar pouts at him, and wraps an arm around Doc's waist pulling him closer. "But then you won't be here."
Doc chuckles slightly and brushes a strand of hair out of Scar's face. "I know, but this is important to me too. I want you to get some rest when I'm at work. Ok?" Doc asks. Scar reluctantly agrees, nuzzling further into Doc. The two lay there for a few more minutes before Scar drifts off to sleep. Doc takes that moment to watch Scar sleep; how beautiful his eyelashes were against his skin, how peaceful his features seemed when he slept, how perfect and breathtaking he is. And he loved him so damn much, he wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
He watches as Scar shifts slightly and buries his face in Doc's neck before nuzzling deeper into his chest. Doc smiles and picks Scar up. He takes Scar upstairs and lays him in bed. He pulls the blanket on Scar and kisses his forehead. He starts getting dressed for work. He puts on his lab coat and grabs his bag. "I'll see you later Scar. I love you" Doc whispers as he walks out of the room and leaves for work.


When Doc gets home he goes upstairs and sees Scar, still curled up in bed. The sun had set sometime during his shift so that now Scar was all in the dark. His hair was messy and fell out of place, as did the loose thread hanging on his shirt. Doc frowns lightly and sets his bag down. "Baby?" Doc sits and shakes Scar's arm slightly.
Scar groans quietly and opens his eyes, staring at Doc blearily before blinking rapidly a few times to clear the sleep from them. "Sorry Scar. I needed to see if you are ok.." Doc presses the back of his hand to Scar’s forehead, Scar's forehead is burning hot. "Hun, you're burning up. Do you feel sick?" Doc whispers. He reaches over and takes a thermometer from his bag. "Open your moth please." Doc asks, Scar immediately opens his mouth. He slides it under Scar's tongue, waits a few seconds the reads it. "101.2 degrees baby." Doc states, looking worriedly at Scar who's now awake enough to look up at him. "You have a high fever. How do you feel?"
Scar closes his eyes and shrugs nonchalantly. "I dunno, fine." He replies sleepily, his eyes falling shut. He makes no move to remove the blanket. Doc chuckles fondly. "I'll be right back. I'll get you some medicine and hot tea." Doc says as he kisses Scar's head. He gets up and heads into the kitchen to start making tea for Scar. Once he's finished, he comes back to the bedroom, Scar is passed out on the bed. He kneels beside the bed and strokes Scar's cheek. Scar grumbles quietly in his sleep, turning his cheek towards Doc. He brings the teapot close and pours some tea into the cup. "How about I bring you some pain killers once you've had some tea?" Doc says, stroking Scar's hair. Scar mumbles something that sounds vaguely like an affirmative, then curls up tighter on himself. Doc stands and places the cup on the nightstand. He then goes to the bathroom and grabs the medication. He returns to the bedroom carrying the medicine. He sets the tray on the side table before sitting on the edge of the bed next to Scar. "Scar, sweetheart, drink some tea please" he asks. Scar rolls to his other side, away from Doc, curling up even smaller. "Come on babe, don't be stubborn" Doc coaxes. Scar doesn't budge, still refusing to open his eyes. Doc sighs heavily, before grabbing one of the pills off the tray. He shakes two of them onto the palm of his hand. "Look at me sweetheart. Please try to sit up."
Slowly, reluctantly, Scar opens his eyes and turns back towards Doc, letting Doc help him sit up. "Swallow these and have some tea. Then we can go to sleep." He instructs. Scar takes the pills and drinks tea to help them go down. Doc grabs his pjs and gets ready for bed. After slipping into bed, he turns off the light and lays down, pulling Scar into his arms and resting his chin on the top of Scar's head. "Night sweetheart. Sweet dreams." He says softly kissing the top of Scar's head. Scar mutters something under his breath, sounding vaguely disgruntled. "What was that love?" Doc asks, concerned that Scar may be in pain. He's answered by silence, which Doc assumes means he's asleep. He sighs. "You'll feel better tomorrow sunshine". With that Doc closes his eyes and falls fast asleep with Scar pressed securely against him.

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