Scarian Angst pt.2 turned into Scardubs fluff

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It's been four months since Grian had cheated on Scar. He hasn't seen Grian since, but he doesn't mind. Bdubs is currently rubbing comforting circles on Scar's back.
It's hard for Scar. He can't believe what Grian's done. He hates how selfish Grian had been. He can't forgive him. Bdubs places a soft comforting kiss onto Scar's shoulder. Scar can feel his face heat up. Bdubs has been here for Scar everytime Scar has had a breakdown. Bdubs makes Scar feel so warm inside with all his soft spoken praises or gentle touches. And Scar loves him.
Scar looks over at Bdubs. "Thank you for being such a good friend." He whispers.
Bdubs smiles fondly. "Of course Scar..anything for you."
"Can we order we can eat together? I miss having someone to talk to." Scar asks.
"Of course! Anything to make you happy, Scar." Bdubs replies happily, giving Scar another hug.
Scar feels safe and content in Bdubs' arms. He loves how close they are. It makes Scar feel loved. Scar has never felt safer anywhere else than right in Bdubs' arms. He sighs contently as Bdubs continues running calming circles on his back.

A few hours later they order a large pizza and some fries. They are sitting on the couch watching Christmas movies while eating.
After watching two episodes of the new holiday season Bdubs leans against Scar's side. Scar wraps his arm around Bdubs and holds him close. It makes Scar's heart skip a beat as Bdubs giggles at the movie. Scar laughs along, enjoying listening to Bdubs laugh, and nuzzling into his hair.
After watching the rest of the movie Scar puts the tv on mute and closes the program before turning to Bdubs. "It's quite late Bdubs, you should stay for the night." Scar suggets.
"Are you sure?" Bdubs questions worriedly.
"Of course." Scar responds with a small smile. "I will put the leftovers away and get you come comfortable clothes to sleep in. Ok?" Scar asks.
"Ok Scar." Bdubs replies, a small smile spreading across his face.
Scar stands up and walks to the kitchen and puts the leftover food away.
After that, Scar goes into his room and picks out some sweatpants and tshirt for Bdubs. He then walks back to Bdubs and hands him the clothes. "They might be a bit big-" Scar chuckles. "but they'll fit you well enough." He adds.
"That sounds wonderful Scar....thank you for letting me stay." Bdubs says in awe before standing on his tip toes to give Scar a kiss on the cheek.
Scar's cheeks redden as he glances away. "Its not a problem Bdubs." Scar whispers softly.
Bdubs smiles and goes to the bathroom to change into the clothes Scar gave him. A moment later he comes out of the bathroom, the clothes are huge on him. Scar's face burns brighter red as he realises how cute he is.
"Thanks Scar, these are really comfy!" Bdubs comments. Scar notices how he keeps shifting his weight from one foot to another. Bdubs flops down on the couch and yawns.
"Good Night Scar." Bdubs yawns again. Scar looks at him for a second before smiling.
"Goodnight, Bdubs." He says in response and walks to his room.

In the middle of the night Scar wakes up to a warm pressure on his side. Opening his eyes, he sees a very sleepy looking Bdubs cuddled into his side.
"Bdubs?" Scar mumbles sleepily. He can hear Bdubs' soft snoring.
Shifting closer to Bdubs, Scar wraps his arm around Bdubs and holds him. Soon after he falls asleep again.

Bdubs wakes up and his whole face goes red immediately. He must have gotten up in the middle of the night and layed with Scar. It feels so weird having Scar's body pressed against his. He feels like he is on fire. It's almost too much, Scar is so warm. Bdubs knows he shouldn't feel like this, Scar just ended a long term relationship only a few months ago. But he can't stop thinking about how good it feels to be in Scar’s arms. Every inch of Bdubs wants to hold him like this forever. He lays his head on Scar's chest and smiles softly. "What am I doing?" He thinks to himself. "Am I falling for Scar?"
A few hours later Scar wakes up. Looking down at Bdubs, his lips slowly turn upwards. Bdubs locks eyes with Scar and smiles back at him. "Good morning Scar.." Bdubs says gently.
"Morning sunshine.." Scar replies.
Bdubs' face goes red as he hides his face in Scar's chest. His cheeks still burning hot, he takes deep breaths to try and keep his blush under control.
Scar gives him an amused expression. "Why are you blushing?" He teases.
"Haha, uhm...its nothing." Bdubs stutters quietly.
Scar raises his eyebrows, "are you sure? Do you not like my nickname for you?" Scar pouts playfully.
"N-No! I like t-the nickname...just wasn't expecting it" Bdubs blushes more.
"Ohhh...ok" Scar says teasingly. "You're adorable when your embarrassed~" He whispers sweetly in Bdubs' ear.
Bdubs turns beet red even darker and covers his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment. This only makes Scar laugh loudly at him. "Ahahaha!!"
"Sshh, Scar...stop..." Bdubs mumbles. He peeks his head through his fingers to see Scar grinning widely.
This only makes Scar chuckle more and hold Bdubs closer. "How about we go get hot cocoa today?" Scar suggets while giving Bdubs puppy eyes.
Bdubs looks up at him. His cheeks pink once more. "Umm..." Bdubs mutters shyly. "Ok. But first we should get showers." Bdubs chuckles.
"Ok. You can take a shower first." Scar smiles. Bdubs nods and heads towards the bathroom.
Scar lets out a soft breath as Bdubs leaves. He loves Bdubs so much, but he could never tell him. He couldn't risk ruining their friendship. No matter how badly he wanted to be with him. It was better this way anyways. Bdubs deserved someone who was better suited for him than Scar. Someone who wasn't a complete idiot, and Scar didn't want heartbreak again.

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