Three. I'd remember you

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Bourbon. I'm convinced it's the devils drink of choice. Have I ever had bourbon? No. Was I going to back down from Harry Styles and his smirk? Again, no.

I probably should have backed down after three however. I'm going to regret this in the morning. Who am I kidding? I'm regretting it now. Especially because I'm holding on to Harry Styles to help me balance.

God he's handsome. Of course in real life he's handsome, but in this 1961 fever dream life he feels real and when I hold onto his arm I feel it which makes absolutely zero sense I know. 

"C'mon princess. I'm taking you home." He wraps his arm around my waist helping steady me.

"Noooooo. What about Katie and Niall?" I ask.

"They'll make their own way back. C'mon, I've called a friend to drive us."

He leads us outside and to a car that's waiting. It's so hard to walk in these heels and I kick them off and almost fall over as I bend over to pick them up to carry them.

He opens a car door for me and I climb inside and say hello to whoever is driving. I'm met with a hello and a chuckle. Harry slides in beside me and gives the address.

I'm so relaxed and Harry's shoulder looks like a good place to rest my head for just a moment. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I can feel his breath suck in and then release once he adjusts to the fact that I've laid my head on his shoulder.

"This is a change Harry." The driver says.

I keep my eyes closed so that I can eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Thanks for coming to get me but can we not go into this?" Harry says.

"All I said was this is a change. Who is she?" The driver asks.

"Someone who's way too good for me." Harry says.

"It's ok to allow yourself to like someone Harry."

"It's not like that. She's- she's just-"

Harry doesn't finish the sentence.

"How long have you known her?"

"I met her today." Harry laughs.

"Oh. Harry-"

"I know. I know. Fuck Mitchell I know."

"You're fucked my friend." He laughs.

"I know Mitch. I know."

Harry stirs beside me and places his hand on my arm and gives me a little nudge.

"We're here princess." He says.

His tone isn't condescending or full of attitude- he's actually sounding very soft and gentle and his use of the word princess doesn't sound the same as earlier.

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