Twenty Three. Deja Vu

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I wish I could pinpoint what's brought on this mood of mine, but I can't think of any one single thing

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I wish I could pinpoint what's brought on this mood of mine, but I can't think of any one single thing. I've had an amazing day. I won two Grammy's and to be honored by your peers is something artists dream of. The Grammys are the best of the best in the music industry. Professionally, I'm on top of the world. Personally, that's a whole other matter.

As luck or fate would have it Sony's after party was booked at the club that Brad's girlfriend Victoria works at. He told me that Victoria would be there, I was surprised when he told me Everleigh would be there as well. Something about her helping Victoria out due to short staffing or something.

I've been thinking about her non stop since meeting her. I've asked Brad about her and he's told me what he knows about her. He jokingly asked me if he needed to draft an NDA in advance and I shook my head and laughed at his suggestion. It's a running joke with Brad and Jeff about the NDA situation, but that's because Jeff insists on it.

It's hard to meet "normal" girls in my line of work and admittedly it gets old dating in the same social circle. I'm constantly surrounded by other musicians, models, actresses and I just haven't met anyone lately who have made me look twice.

I've dated a fair share of girls in this business and it's always messy when it ends. I like my privacy and that's hard to ensure when you meet people unless you have that piece of paper that prohibits them from running to the paps or the media. I've become pretty skilled at being able to tell who's chasing five minutes of fame from who's genuinely interested in me.

Everleigh seems genuinely interested in me and that's the first time, in a long time, that's happened. Admittedly it's spooked me a bit. I'm in the middle of a worldwide tour. I've been recording a new album to do it all over again next year. I'm the busiest I've ever been. To find myself reciprocating her interest, it's a bit of a problem.

Seeing her at the after party tonight reminded me of how interested I am. I even came close to punching someone tonight who disrespected her and put his hands on her. I had to swallow that down and pose for photos with the creep. She's stunning, there's no denying that, but there's so much more to her than that.

I could see her visibly cringe when he touched her. I could see how nervous she was when I was talking to her. When she touched me it felt like a hundred things at once. Calm, familiarity, happiness, fondness, arousal, fear, hesitancy, panic. So many things. I wanted her to touch me, and that was a problem.

My first instinct was the paper, it's my safety net, my go to when I'm interested in someone. Then she mentioned it. My heart fell to my feet. Of course Brad fucking mentioned it. I really tried to focus on every word she was saying, but once I knew she was angry I zoned out a bit.

I saw a different side of her. A side that was fiery and passionate and stubborn, god she's stubborn. She turned on her heels and walked away without even letting me have a say. My first reaction was flippant anger. Who the hell did she think she was to judge me when all I'm trying to do is protect myself?

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