Seven. Can I stay?

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Getting Everleigh on my motorcycle is a feat within itself, add alcohol to the equation for her and its damn near impossible

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Getting Everleigh on my motorcycle is a feat within itself, add alcohol to the equation for her and its damn near impossible. I'm not sure if she just likes to drink or if I should take it as a sign that she secretly hates me and only drinks to endure my company. Either way, it's been no fun getting her on my motorcycle tonight.

"Stand still so I can put this helmet on you." I say to her.

"You're no fun Harry." She pokes out her lip.

"So I've been told." I reply.

"You always say that." She laughs.

"Maybe it's because YOU'RE the one who always tells me that." I can't help but laugh.

I buckle the chin strap and secure the helmet on her head.

"There. All done. Let's get you on this bike now ok?" I run my hands up and down her arms.

I notice that she has goosebumps and there is a light chill in the air. I pop the seat to reach the storage space and remove a jacket of mine.

"Here, put this on princess." I slide it around her shoulders and help her slide each arm into the sleeve.

"You can be nice sometimes you know." She laughs.

"Only sometimes huh?"

"Harry, you're really pretty." She smiles up at me.

"Did you just call me pretty?" I laugh.

"I did. What's wrong with being called pretty?" She asks.

"Girls are pretty. Guys can't be pretty princess." I chuckle.

"You are. You're very very pretty Harry." She laughs.

"Come on, lets get you on the bike drunk girl."

She places both of her hands on my shoulders and I steady her as she attempts to lift her leg over the seat to get on my motorcycle. We've already attempted this at least a dozen times already so I'm doubtful this attempt will work. Shockingly, it does. Before I climb on she grabs my forearm.

"Harry, can I stay at your place tonight?" She asks.

"What? Why are you asking me that? What's wrong with your place?" I ask.

"Niall is coming to stay at my place with Katie tonight and I want to give them some privacy. Can I stay at your place?" She asks again.

I'm pretty sure this is one of life's tests being thrown at me. I know I have no issue at all with her staying at my house, but I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do. Girls who stay the night with boys don't have good reputations and that's not Everleigh. She's not one of those girls. Not by a long shot. As long as she remains quiet about it, no one will know. I'd never tell a soul.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll sleep on your couch. It's not a big deal Harry. I just want to give them some privacy and I don't want to be the awkward third wheel. Can I stay?"

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