Eight. Andromeda

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Having a father that works for NASA has its advantages

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Having a father that works for NASA has its advantages. When the girl you're trying to impress is a science major who just so happens to want to intern at NASA it's a dream come true. I phoned dad and asked for a huge favor. Seeing as how he and mum feel guilty for moving me away from England it takes very little persuading on my part.

What most people don't know is that NASA has it's own handful of beach cottages that were built for it's astronauts and engineers to use with their families and Dad can reserve one at a moment's notice because of his stature at NASA. We will have three days in this cottage and the best part of all is that there's a test rocket launch that we will be able to watch. She's going to flip.

It's a gorgeous, sunny day and the top is down on my convertible as we make our way over to what will soon be this country's largest playground for NASA. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but we seem to have reached an understanding that for reasons we either can't explain or don't care to explain right now, there is clearly something between us. Sure, she can push my buttons like no one else, but I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since the day I met her. I don't know what's going on, but I only know that I feel like I need to see what this is between us.

She keeps trying to figure out where we are headed, but I share no details with her. She gives me a look when I get off the highway and she sees signs that say military and NASA authorized personnel only. I use the employee and military personnel entrance and as I pull to the gate I'm greeted by a guard that I know well who knows my dad.

"Harry!!! It's been a bit since I've seen you. Just saw your father yesterday. He rang me and told me you were coming today. Here's your envelope with your keys and you're free to drive on through. Here's your tag for the car to show your security clearance. Enjoy your visit." The guard says.

I start to drive down the secluded road and Everleigh is taking everything in.

"Harry, what are we doing?" She finally asks.

"You'll see." I smile.

We make our way to the cottage we are staying in and I pull the car into the drive. I hurry around to her passenger door to open it for her. We are oceanfront but as she exits the car she sees in the distance the launchpad with the rocket docked on it.

"Harry. How did you? What are we- how is this even possible?" She stutters.

"It helps when your dad is actually helping to design and oversee most of this stuff. I thought you'd like to see it."

"I can't believe you did this for me." She says softly.

"Come on, lets get inside before someone hears you saying nice things about me princess." I laugh.

We head into the cottage and it's pretty basic, but has everything we need. Groceries have been stocked just as I asked, so we have the next three days here just the two of us and we don't have to leave unless we want to. We change into our swimwear and go for a walk on the beach.

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