Nine. The head and the heart

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I've been trying to sleep for the second time for an hour now

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I've been trying to sleep for the second time for an hour now. This isn't at all how I wanted today to go. As soon as the sun rises I'm taking her home and I'm going to attempt to stay away from her once and for all.

This girl just seemingly came out of nowhere and she took me by surprise. Niall has always been a relationship kind of guy and I wish I could be like him. I've just never allowed myself to get close enough to even try. Then again, I've never picked the kind of girls that you even contemplate getting into a relationship with.

My mum constantly asks when I'm gonna settle down and bring a girlfriend home. Everleigh is the first girl who's ever made me contemplate a relationship.

I need a drink.

I slide out of bed and make my way down the dark hallway and into the kitchen to retrieve a glass. Of course Everleigh is leaning against the sink. She hasn't seemed to hear me behind her. She turns around and face plants against my bare chest. She doesn't scream out loud,but I hear a gasp escape her lips and I know that I've startled her.

"Excuse me." She says softly as she moves to step around me.

In that moment it feels like time stands still. The idea of just remaining still and watching her step around me and head back into her room is in my head, but then there's another thought, and that thought is what takes over and has me reaching for her and stopping her from moving.

It's pretty dark in here so making out any detailed facial features is nearly impossible which is probably a good thing in this moment.

"Everleigh." I say.

She brings her arm up to rest her hand on my forearm that I've grabbed her other arm with. The feel of her hand on my skin almost makes my skin feel like it's on fire. My heart rate increases and I know I'm torn between letting her go and asking her to stay.

"Harry." She says softly.

That's all it takes. Just one word from her, my name, and that's all it takes for me to go against what my head is telling me and to go with what that thing in my chest that they call a heart is screaming at me. I pull her into my arms and I kiss her. She returns the kiss with just as much feeling as I have in this moment. I don't think I've taken a breath since my lips touched hers and I pull back and finally take a breath. I'm trying to make some sense of what her reaction to this kiss is. In the darkness it's hard to tell.

With my heart beating out of my chest I am so conflicted in this moment. My head tells me to do what's best for her and take her home and end this right now. My heart is screaming at me to tell her I'm sorry, to kiss her, to tell her how I'm feeling. That's the funny thing about me, the guy who's the bad boy who everyone thinks is heartless, they'd all be surprised to find out the battle that is raging right now between my head and my heart. This time my heart is going to win. As much as I don't want it to, my heart is winning this battle.

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