Twenty One. As It Was

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I'm seeing Harry tonight

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I'm seeing Harry tonight. Not the same version of him that was familiar to me, but a version of him none the less. I'm feeling a wide range of emotions, the most prevalent one being nauseatingly anxious.

Vicks has insisted I wear something sexy tonight and I'm regretting agreeing to allowing her to choose something for me. I don't want to come across as slutty or as if I'm trying too hard.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want to look ridiculous." I say as I check out my reflection.

"Babe, it's perfect. Apparently his shows are known for people going all out and dressing up. People make their own clothes and everything. It's a big deal. You look amazing. He's gonna fall in love with you all over again." Vicks says as she changes into her own outfit.

She looks hot in her red jumpsuit. She's got her boobs out practically and I wish I had her confidence. My boobs are covered, it's the short skirt and boots that I'm worried about. The doorbell sounds and it's Brad, he's all over Vicks already and he tells me I look nice as well.

Nice. I look nice. Brilliant.

Brad arranged for a driver and tells us we'll run backstage and say a quick hello to Harry first and then we will watch the show from the side VIP section

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Brad arranged for a driver and tells us we'll run backstage and say a quick hello to Harry first and then we will watch the show from the side VIP section. I'm glad I didn't eat beforehand because this girl feels sick.

We pull to the back of the venue and Brad walks to the entrance and is given lanyards that he then hands one to each of us. This is really happening. I follow behind Vicks and Brad and he says hello to loads of people along the way. He stops and chats with one guy in particular and introduces Vicks and I to him. His name is Jeff and he tells us he's one of Harry's managers and to go right in, Harry's just getting his hair done.

His hair. He's had his hair cut and it looks almost exactly as it did when I was last with him. This is messing with my brain in far too many ways.

I keep my eyes down and close them as I close the door behind me and hear Brad greet him. I hear a chuckle and immediately I know that laugh well. I want to turn around and run into his arms, but I can't. He doesn't know me here.

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