Twenty Six. Malibu and you

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I planned a nice day for us in Malibu

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I planned a nice day for us in Malibu. I had no idea if she liked museums or appreciated art, but I planned our day around a visit to the Getty Villa as something unique I thought we could do. One of the toughest things about dating for me is planning dates. I can't just go out to the cinema or to a pub for drinks. Everything has to be carefully planned and I like to keep as much of my privacy as possible. This task is usually so difficult that I just give up altogether. I'm able to book a private museum tour for us and coffee at the local coffee shop wasn't hard to do.

I'm aware that wearing short sleeves is not the brightest idea I've had as its usually my arms that people recognize right away. I'm planning on the fact that we're visiting a pretty exclusive beach the tattoos on display won't be an issue. Jeff owning a house on Carbon Beach in Malibu is my saving grace today. We pull into the drive of the massive home and I unload the picnic basket from the back of my Range Rover. Reluctantly  Everleigh follows me inside and into the unoccupied house.

"Whoa. Who's house is this?" She asks as she follows me inside. I explain to her that it's Jeff's and that I'm able to use it whenever he's not here. I open the sliding glass door and nod my head for her to follow me. Walking down to the sand I spread out a large blanket and set the picnic basket on it. I really put some effort into the date today and it's the first time I've even tried in ages it feels like.

I've always enjoyed having someone to spend time with and I'd like to think I'm a decent boyfriend, not that I've had the best track record exactly. I'm not afraid of relationships, I just like my privacy more than most and it always causes problems. I understand that women like to post cute couple photos and stuff like that on social media, but it's always an issue for me. I just don't like it. I never have. It's been hard to find someone who values privacy as much as I do and who's ok with just being with me without the entire world knowing every little detail. Most girls take it to mean I'm ashamed of them or something and that's not it at all.

Taking Everleigh out today has been a huge deal for me. Her refusal to even entertain the idea of an NDA should have raised all kinds of red flags and sounded alarms, but I found her opinion on it understandable. The girl has guts, she had no problem standing up for herself and I like that. A lot.

One of the most surprising things is how little we've actually talked about my career and anything surrounding what it's like to be me. She didn't make me feel weird or uncomfortable when I had her in my home and she wasn't starstruck. She acted like it was any other date and I appreciated that.

Sitting here on this blanket with her on the sand feels the most normal I've felt in ages. I've already asked her at least 50 questions about herself and she's asked me in return and not one of them have been about what I do for a living. She asked me trivial things like my favorite color, my favorite movie, what my favorite childhood memory is- the most random things and I've loved every second of it.

"I really want to see some of your writing." I lean back on the blanket and fold my arms behind my head and close my eyes to feel the late afternoon sun on my face.

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