Twenty Nine. Time Zones

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14 hours

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14 hours. That's how long my version of Hell on Earth lasted. 14 hours on a plane to get to the other side of the world. Australia is always great to visit and I'm lucky that it's summer time there so it will be nice and warm and a nice break from winter in the states. This jet lag is going to be a bitch and the time difference is going to be brutal for my new exclusive relationship not an official relationship status. It's complicated, but it's also something we don't have to figure out right now other than us both agreeing to keep this exclusive.

Everleigh thinks that she's got the harder end of the deal to keep because of who I am, but I'm not blind that I've left this gorgeous girl behind while I'm on the other side of the world, especially with that ex boyfriend of hers in the same city. She has been unexpected, but in the best kind of way. I didn't want to leave her. If I was completely honest I would have begged her to come with me, but that would have been childish of me. I can't expect her to follow me around like a lost puppy all the time.

I like that she's got her own things to focus on and I know graduation is just around the corner for her. Her writing is amazing from what I've seen and I'm going to try to persuade her to pen some lyrics with me for my next album. I think she'd be a brilliant songwriter.

I send her a text to let her know I landed and to call me if she's free in the next couple of hours. About an hour later she calls and we talk for about half an hour. I haven't even been gone a full 24 hours and I already miss her. We try to establish some sort of common time that works for both of us to try to plan our FaceTime calls. There is a 17 hour time difference between us so it's going to be a bit tricky, but I'm committed to making it work.

Six weeks. Six whole weeks until Japan. I can do this. I think. On the road the days tend to blend together after the first week or so. I'm in a different city every other day and with only a week down I'm already exhausted. Everleigh and I have kept our daily FaceTime calls and I'm not sure if it helps or just makes me miss her more. The crowds here an insane. I walked through the hotel corridor from the gym the other day and there were about fifty girls outside pressed against the glass filming me as I walked by. I feel like a fish in a fishbowl sometimes. There are models and girls who would help me pass the time at the drop of a hat and in the past I'd probably have indulged by now, but I don't want that this time around. I just wish Everleigh were here.

By the fourth week our FaceTime calls have dwindled to every other day. It's been too hard with time differences and my schedule and hers to coordinate. Only two more weeks until I see her though and I'm determined I can hang on until then. She texts me throughout her day and sends me cute selfies from time to time. It helps, more than she knows.

The shows have been massively successful and I'm enjoying performing again. Before long I'm right back into the groove of performing and adjusted once again. As I leave Australia and head to Japan I'm ready to see Everleigh. I have a couple of shows and then I'm off for nearly a month and she's coming for two weeks.

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