Thirty Seven. Manuscript

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Three Months

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Three Months. It had been three months since I'd seen Harry. We've managed to FaceTime every other day and he constantly texts me things throughout the day, but not seeing him physically has been harder than I ever imagined. He finished his tour and stayed in London for a month just to decompress. He begged me to come stay with him, but I told him I was focused on finishing this manuscript. It didn't help that I completely threw out my initial story and started from scratch. Once I had the initial outline the story has practically written itself. I was in a creative flow and I didn't want to disrupt it. Even if it made Harry moody and a bit hard to deal with.

He flew to LA after his month of rest in London and he's been easier to deal with now that he's writing and recording again. I've been buried in this manuscript which has left zero time for a social life, that's made it easier. Trevor has been persistent with asking me out again, I've turned him down each time. I'm sitting in the office of my boss who has been my biggest cheerleader in writing this book. Atley Ross was a force and if she loved this manuscript it was going to be a very, very good thing. I really need her to love this book.

I handed her the pages that were bound in a binder four days ago, trembling as I handed it over. She was old school, rather than sending it as a file for her to read from a laptop she wanted to go old school, printed pages in a binder and all. It had been four days, I avoided her all four of those days.

"Close the door Everleigh. Have a seat." She says as she stares down at something on her desk. I take a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk and begin to toy with my hands, a nervous habit of mine. She removes her reading glasses and reaches for the binder. "This....." she waves the binder in the air, sucking the breath from my lungs in doing so. " fucking fantastic."

A breath. I finally take a breath.

"You liked it?" I ask.

"I loved it. I absolutely loved it." She stands and walks over to the empty chair beside me, sitting down. "This is going to be big Everleigh. Your assistant days are done. You're an author." She smiles, taking one of my hands in hers. I'm in shock at what I'm hearing.

"Do I need to change anything?" I ask, still holding my breath.

"Our editors will clean it up a a bit of course, but other than that my only question is when are you starting the sequel?" She laughs.

A sequel? I Haven't even thought about that.

"A sequel? I haven't even considered that." I laugh.

"Everyone is going to want to know how the story ends. If Emma and Alex end up together. They have to end up together." She laughs.

Emma and Alex, the two main characters in my book...the characters based on Harry and I, given new names but the story is loosely based on our reality, or some semblance of it anyway. The truth is, I'm not sure if they end up together. I want them to, god do I ever want them to....but my story has yet to be determined, much like Alex and Emma's. The book title is "Written In The Stars " and it's about an old tattered, brown leather journal that stood the test of time and was used as a backdrop for this love story. It was based on the journal I gave him for his birthday in my fever dream or whatever that was. The same journal he handed me on the terrace of his home in LA. He didn't remember where it came from he said, thinking someone had given it to him, the pages worn and falling from their binding. I gave him that journal, the one he drew stars on.

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