Five. Happy New Year

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After my date with Harry the other night I was convinced I'd wake up the next morning and be back in my own bed in 2022

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After my date with Harry the other night I was convinced I'd wake up the next morning and be back in my own bed in 2022.

It's New Year's Eve and I should be getting dressed in a sexy, over the top outfit and getting drunk and at some posh club with Vicks tonight to ring in 2022. I'm still here, in the year 1961 with Katie who is Vicks doppelgänger and Harry Styles exists as a sexist womanizer.

The Harry Styles of 2021 couldn't be further from this version. I've never met him or seen a show, but from what I know about him from interviews and performances he seems very kind and he's very supportive of everyone. He's a champion for all people.

I never thought I'd wake up five days in and still be here. I've even stopped trying to figure out what is going on and deciding just to go with the hand I've been dealt currently.

As some cruel joke that karma is throwing my way I'm sure I'm going to have to face Harry tonight at this party. Maybe he will be too busy with one of his bad girls to even notice me.

I'm going to wear one of Katie's designer dresses again. If I'm here, I may as well look fabulous. I settle on a strapless black dress that has gold overlay etched into the lace that covers the dress and makes it very full. Strapless is still a bit risqué in this time period, but in France it's apparently the hot thing according to Katie as that's where her businessman father picked this dress up for her.

I let Katie put my hair up into a chic style which will accentuate my shoulders. Even though this is an on campus party, it's at one of the classy halls and is sponsored by the sorority that all the debutantes are in which apparently is the one Katie and I belong to. No wonder he calls me princess. This is vastly different from my current life or my old life I should say. I can't tell the difference any more.

Niall ends up arriving to pick Katie and I up which wasn't the plan and I'm relieved when Harry isn't with him. Maybe he won't be an issue after all this evening.

We arrive to the fancy campus hall and we are greeted by lots of fake girls who give air kisses and hugs and claim to be our best friends. I don't know them at all but I suppose I'm supposed to. Katie and Niall are moving along nicely in this new romance. They are the cutest couple and I'm happy for her. She seems like a very sweet person and she looks just like my current best friend so it helps me to feel halfway comforted.

I feel his eyes on me before I see him. I can't describe the feeling other than to say it feels like the air is charged with electricity and that it's that moment right before lighting strikes. It's a chill and a hot flash all at once. It's nothing I've ever felt or experienced before. I look over and it was just as I expected, he has a busty brunette draped all over him.

I kinda chuckle and roll my eyes and he doesn't look pleased. His usual sparkling, magnificent, green eyes seem dark. He's looking at me like I'm the enemy. Maybe I am.

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