Epilogue: Grammy's and babies

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Harry Styles is never one to run late, it's annoying at times how punctual he is. I'm the one who lags behind, but this evening I have an excuse...our four year old son who's decided to latch onto my leg and refuse to let me go.

"William Alexander you need to let go of Mummy's leg. Aunt Gem is going to give you a sweet treat after dinner. We'll be here when you wake in the morning." Harry attempts to pacify our son.

Harry insisted on giving him the namesake of the character in my debut novel, he's sentimental in that way. I've only published two books, deciding to try my hand at song writing at Harry's persistence. After a couple of years of being married Harry wanted to start writing music again and when I found him missing from bed one night I found him at the piano working on a song.

He dreams of songs and he'd had a dream and when he woke in the middle of the night he had to go write. I found him frustrated because he was stuck on one particular line and when I looked over what he had I had a few words come to mind and he took those and the rest is history. We've written many songs together and the album I wrote alongside him using a pen name is nominated for several Grammys.

We went back and forth on whether to attend or not, but I told him he had to. We convinced Gemma and Anne to join us and they'd watch William. Brad and Victoria dropped off their son Nathaniel and the two boys were going to have a sleepover. Brad and Victoria had already arrived and were waiting on us.

"Hey bubs, Daddy and I will be back so soon ok?" I got down on his level and reassured him. After a few more tears he finally gave up and hugged us goodbye. I hurried to the car and we arrived just in time for the ceremony, cutting it so close we missed the red carpet.

Harry had released the album and done a small tour which William and I joined him on. He's talked of a bigger tour next year but I know his plans will change when I tell him we are expecting baby number two. I wanted to wait until after the ceremony to tell him.

After collecting the first award he waits for the biggest one of the night, album of the year. When his name is announced he's in complete shock. He attempts to have me join him, but I refuse. This is his moment. He sends someone out to get me to join him backstage as he has his photo taken and talks to the press. He still takes my breath away.

"Can you believe it?" He asked as we made our way back to the table to grab Brad and Victoria to head to his labels after party.

"I knew it Harry. I knew you'd win." I squeeze his hand.

We arrive at the Beverly Hills Hotel and Harry is immediately handed two glasses of champagne. He passes one over to me and before I know it he's caught up in conversation with loads of people who come by to congratulate him. I discreetly place my full glass of champagne down on a table and leave it.

I find Brad and Victoria and take a seat with them and it doesn't take long for Harry to find me. He asks me if I'm ready to leave and I gladly respond that I am.

"Are you ok?" He asks in the car on the way home?

"I'm good. Just a little tired is all." I lay my head over on his shoulder, taking in his signature smell that I love so much.

"Hope William wasn't too much of a pain for Gem. He's so clingy to you. To be fair, can't blame him...I'm quite attached to you myself." He nuzzles his face against my neck, earning a laugh from me.

We arrive home and it's dark and quiet. Anne asleep in her room and Gemma has William snuggled in bed with her. All is well it seems. Harry follows me into our bedroom and removes his suit jacket and begins to work on the buttons of his shirt.

"Need some help with your zipper?" He nuzzles his face against the back of my neck once again.

"Please." I pull my hair to the side and his fingers trail along with the zipper down my back, planting kisses along the way.

"Is it mad to say that I think I want another baby?" He hums against my neck.

"How soon do you want this to happen?" I turn to face him, taking in every beautiful feature of his face.

"I'm ready. Ball is in your court princess." I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

"You've had quite the lucky day haven't you?" I say after kissing him.

"The luckiest. Woke up to my beautiful wife and son this morning. Pair of new Grammys for the house, going to bed beside the most amazing woman in the world. I'd say it's been a good day."

"Days not over yet." I laugh as I slide the dress off and slip into one of Harry's old tshirts.

"It's almost midnight. Would have to make it fast to slide one more lucky thing in." He laughs as he slides into bed beside me.

"I mean, I could make it quick but I prefer to take my time with you." He laughs as he plants kisses down my neck. He thinks that's the lucky thing I'm referring to.

"Let's see. I do have one more thing for you." He pulls back and looks at me with a curious look on his face.

"Do tell."

I place my hand on top of his and take a deep breath. It's funny he's mentioned another baby tonight because this wasn't exactly discussed or planned. It's just happened on its own.

"I'm pregnant."

"What? Ever....this isn't the time to play around..."

"I'm not kidding. I'm pregnant. We're having another baby." Tears form in my eyes. Harry throws his head back and laughs, still not fully grasping that it's true.

"How long have you known?" He asks.

"Since yesterday. Wanted to get the Grammys out of the way before I told you. I'll see the doctor when we get back to London but I'm guessing I'm about eight weeks or so."

"Over Christmas? We made this baby over Christmas?" He asks.

"Seems we did." His lips automatically go to mine and I feel a tear run down his face. Happy tears.


I was right in thinking Harry would curb any talk of a new tour once I told him we were expecting another baby. He never left my side and at the tail end of summer we welcomed our daughter Emma Catherine Styles into our world.

Harry and Everleigh had their own Emma and Alex as part of their own story after all. The dreams had all came true and they never returned, each day being written as it came. We still can't explain all the how's and why's of our story, but we don't feel the need to. We are just happy to have our story and our happy ever after.

I see pieces of the Harry I knew before in the man I married and the man who's the father of our children. A little bit of a bad boy, an amazing writer, husband, father and friend. I love him in each and every version imaginable. I'd find him in any timeline, in any reality. We are like two magnets that will always find each other. I'll forever be grateful for the night I fell asleep in one timeline and woke in the middle of another, for that's where he was waiting for me. That's where my missing piece was found.

A love like that transcends all space and time and that is all I could ever wish for.

Thank you thank you thank you! I hope you're joining me on my Captive Heart story and I'll be introducing a new golfrry story real soon called The Winner Takes It All. Follow me for updates and thanks for joining me on these stories. 💚

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