Forty. I do.

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We flew into London with Brad and Vicks via private jet and it was a bit of an early wedding present for the bride and groom

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We flew into London with Brad and Vicks via private jet and it was a bit of an early wedding present for the bride and groom. We were staying for the first week at a bed and breakfast in Notting Hill. My home only being a short distance away and I offered it to Brad and Victoria to use but they'd hear none of it. To be a team player I decided Everleigh and I would stay at the bed and breakfast for the first week rather than my home.

Brad had his parents and siblings and a few other family members and of course Jeff and a few of the management team and Victoria had around the same number to bring the guest list to around 75 people. We stayed in the bed and breakfast with Brad and Victoria and the parents and everyone else was scattered in a large hotel down the street. Our first evening was spent having a nice low key dinner with Brad and Victoria and then an early night in hopes it would help with jet lag.

I'd grown used to spending most nights with Everleigh now and there was a sweet comfort in waking up with her by my side. The next two weeks were going to be easy, the hard part would be what comes after, but we were determined to make it through. Victoria has turned into a bit of a bridezilla and I've mentioned to Everleigh several times that I don't understand why people put themselves through the stress of it all when it's really about two people in love who want to make the commitment to spend forever together. She's told me that the formality of it all isn't even a big deal to her. After the disastrous meeting with her parents I can understand why she's so disenchanted with it all. I hope it's just the formal wedding part that she is so against and not the act of marriage itself because I know one thing. I'm gonna marry that girl one day.

After a leisurely breakfast we set off with the bride and groom and their respective families to see the venue where the wedding will be held. St Johns in Notting Hill is very old and one of the most beautiful churches you can imagine. It has a giant pipe organ that's over 175 years old and the bells sound incredible. Bridezilla even breaks down and cries at the site of the church for the first time and it's not even decorated for the wedding properly yet. A quick run through of the wedding checklist and where everything will be placed and I have no doubt that this is going to be a beautiful wedding. Brad has been remarkably calm and it's a good thing because it's helping to put out all of Victoria's little fires.

A nice dinner back at the bed and breakfast and then a night out at the pub for the younger guests. After finishing her last glass of wine I'm carrying Ever on my back, piggy back style back to the bed and breakfast and it's a beautiful summer night and it's relatively quiet here on the street.

"This place is magical." Everleigh says against my ear, her breath tickling my neck.

"You like it don't you?" I smile as she nuzzles her face against the side of my neck.

"I love it. England is my favorite." She says.

"You like it so much you'd move here?" I ask, genuinely interested in her answer.

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