Forty Three. Look at the moon

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It had been too long since I'd seen Harry and I was tripping over my own feet as I ran thru Heathrow airport

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It had been too long since I'd seen Harry and I was tripping over my own feet as I ran thru Heathrow airport. Gemma had messaged me to tell me she was parked outside arrivals waiting for me. I knew Harry couldn't come himself so he sent the next best thing, Gemma.

She leapt from the car at first sight of me and gave me a huge hug as I hoisted my suitcase into the trunk of her car. I hopped in and put on my seatbelt and we made our way out of the airport and onto the motorway.

"Harry is beside himself ready to see you!" Gemma said with a huge smile.

"Not nearly as much as I am probably." I laughed as my knee nervously bounced up and down.

"We're just barely going to make it. You'll have five minutes with him if we're lucky. He told me he had soundcheck at 3:30." Gemma focused on her driving and I glanced at my watch. Five minutes wasn't going to be nearly enough.

I leaned my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes, thinking it would help pass time faster. My phone buzzed and I pulled it from my pocket to find a message from Harry.

Seriously need you to be here now xx

We were finally in the same city at the same time. Atley told me this would be my last book appearance and then I'd be free to do or go wherever I wanted. I was still writing the sequel to the story but I'd reached a wall, not knowing where to take the story next. I had reunited the two main characters of Emma and Alex in present time and they were trying to figure out how they felt so familiar to one another and where to go from here.

We finally arrived at the gate for Harry's estate and the guard waved us through. This home was incredible but it saddened me a bit that he had to live so shut off from the outside world. He often loved to get out and run and walk the streets but he was always recognized by people and would draw a crowd and eventually have to head back into the shadows.

Jeff and Brad worried for him, even as far as wanting to hire a full time security guard for him to accompany him everywhere like in his 1d days, but he refused. He was so adamant that he was in control now and he refused security when he wasn't working. When Brad was around he'd accompany him places, just for a layer of protection.

Harry bolted out the door at first sight of Gemma's car arriving. I hadn't even undone my seatbelt when he opened my door and crashed his lips against mine.

"God I missed you. Fucking strawberry kisses, I missed that too." He planted kisses all over my face, licking his lips after stealing all of my strawberry lip balm.

"Gonna let her get out of the car H?" Gemma teased.

"Mind your own business Gem!" He laughed. He unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me from the car and hugged me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around.

"God you two are pathetic." The familiar voice rang out and I knew who it was immediately. I pulled away to see Vicks and Brad standing in the doorway now. I hadn't seen them in the longest time either. Married life agreed with them.

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