Twenty Two. Lucky

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"What do you mean you need my help?" I call out to Victoria from my bathroom where I'm getting dressed for my day

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"What do you mean you need my help?" I call out to Victoria from my bathroom where I'm getting dressed for my day. I have a light shift at the Beachwood Cafe today from 1-4 and then I'm finished. Victoria has just yelled something about a crisis at the club tonight and how she desperately needs my help.

Appearing in the doorway of my bathroom is an exasperated looking Vicks. " You know I wouldn't ask unless it were crucial right?"

I roll my eyes briefly and let out a sigh. "I Know, just ask."

" there's a huge after party tonight at the club. A big, private, fancy one and we are so short on servers. Could you please work as a server for tonight? I promise I'd make it worth your while and it's just for one night. After our shift ends we can chill and relax and enjoy a bit.

"What kind of party?" I ask.

"One of those industry party type things. It's an after Grammy party. Super exclusive, I'll pay you good money. It will be worth your while, I promise. You know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate."

She knows she's got me. I can't refuse her. I roll my eyes and ask the dreaded question. "Do I have to wear the standard server outfit from there?"

"We'll find something that works. Ok? I owe you. Big time."

Great. So now I'm working a double shift and there goes my relaxing date night with Netflix I had planned. I also have to let Victoria pick out a suitable server outfit for me. This is going to be a long day. I head out the door and begin my light shift at Beachwood Cafe. It's an hour before my shift ends when a familiar face comes in. Matt.

Matt and I had basically ended things. I kinda blew him off when he came back from his time back home for the holidays after I slipped up and slept with him the one time since holidays and he didn't make much of an effort to get in touch either so I had hoped it had just ended that easily. I should have known better. I think he's more surprised than anything that I haven't contacted him. I secretly just wanted the problem to fix itself. It's like seeing the ghost of Christmas past walk thru the door just now.

"Hey. Long time no see." He says as he sits down in my section and flashes a huge smile.

"It has been a minute hasn't it? How are you?" I ask politely, not really caring to know.

"Good. I've been busy, so sorry that's why I haven't been around or in touch." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I've been busy too. It's fine. What can I get for you?" I ask.

"I was hoping to hang out tonight if you're free." He suggests.

"I"m sorry. I'm actually doing some sort of side job type thing tonight. I'm helping Vicks out."

"What time will you be done?"

"Not sure yet. It's some super fancy party thing so I imagine I'll be there late. Maybe some other time." I suggest.

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