Twenty Five. The timing of it all.

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It's been the most perfect evening with Harry and I'm sad to see it end

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It's been the most perfect evening with Harry and I'm sad to see it end. He insists on having a driver take me back to my apartment and he joins me for the ride. How do you do a first date properly yet you know you have to fast forward a bit because you're on a time constraint? He leaves in 6 days. It's hovering at the back of my subconscious and I'm aware of it, even though I'd like to ignore it.

We are both a bit silent on this ride back to my apartment, maybe we are both thinking of the clock that continues to tick the minutes away, giving our time together an expiration date.

"Mind if I walk you up?" He asks as we park along the curb to my building entrance.

"Not at all." I smile in return.

He slides out of the suv and offers me his hand to help me out. He tells his driver he'll be back out in a couple of minutes and he puts his hand on my back as we walk inside. "I'd like to see you again tomorrow if that's ok?" He asks as the elevator doors close.

"I'd like that." I say as I lean against one mirrored wall and he against the other in this elevator. "I'm not the best at this whole dating thing you know." He says with a nervous half smile. I replay him saying the same thing to me before. He doesn't give himself enough credit.

Before, time was our nemesis, always afraid of waking up and being separated by time and space and all things we can't explain. That's exactly what happened. Now our enemy seems to be his job, his fame, his lack of time. It's funny how time holds the key to everything.

The elevator stops on my floor and he follows me out into the hallway. "Am I doing the wrong thing here Everleigh?" He asks, his words making me pause and turn to look at him as I slide the key into the lock.

"What do you mean Harry?" My words sounding a bit strained. Maybe this is it, maybe this will be the last time I see him. Maybe he's ending it now before we even had a chance in this timeline.

"I'm being selfish. Starting something that I know is probably going to become messy. This is a hard life Everleigh. I've kept things casual with other girls, it's been a while since I've had an actual relationship. Casual just doesn't seem to fit you and I though does it?" He scratches the back of his head.

"No, it doesn't. I wish I had answers for you Harry, I wish I had answers for this, whatever this is. You're allowed to be selfish you know. If it's something that makes you happy and brings you some kind of joy, allow yourself to be selfish"

He sighs loudly as if he's taking in what I've just said. "So tomorrow then?" He smiles finally.

"What did you have in mind?" I give him a smile to which he returns with a huge grin on his face. "I'd like to take you somewhere. What time are you free?" He asks. I explain to him that I have to work the breakfast shift at Beachwood Cafe but that I'm wide open after 11:30.

"Pick you up at 1?" He asks.

"That's fine. Thank you again for this evening, I had a nice time with you." Things have quickly turned a bit awkward was we both stand there not knowing what to say or do. It would be awkward even under the most normal of circumstances, but this was Harry Styles and that makes it even more awkward. He steps forward and kisses my cheek. I can't tell you the last time a date ended with a kiss on the cheek, it's kinda sweet and different from what I'm used to. I smile once more at him as I close my door and he walks away. I lean against my door for what feels like forever. I just need to catch the breath that he's stolen and taken with him.

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