Four. Mr. I don't date

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I have a date with Harry Styles

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I have a date with Harry Styles. If I was in my normal, everyday life I could say that sentence and it would illicit mass chaos.

I have a date with Harry Styles- it's 1961 and the Harry Styles I have a date with isn't the mega superstar Harry Styles that exists in my normal world.

There's no one to text about it. No social media to post it on. No cell phone to snap some photos tonight of us. There's none of that. It's just Harry and I on a date tonight. I kinda like it this way.

I get the feeling this isn't something he's used to. He left this morning with Niall and not a word was said about his being in my bed this morning. It was all completely innocent though, as much as I wished it weren't so innocent.

He said he'd be here at 6 for our date and it's 6:10 now and no Harry. I'm dressed casually in a dress with a cardigan on top in case it's chilly outside. My hair is in a ponytail and I have on minimal makeup.

Katie gives me a once over as I walk into the living room.

"Where are you headed?" She asks.

"Out with Harry." I reply.

"Ever- are you sure?" She asks.

"I am. I know what you said and I appreciate your concern Katie, I really do, but I don't know and I can't explain it, but I'm drawn to him. It's almost magnetic in a way. He doesn't seem as bad as I initially thought." I shrug my shoulders.

"He doesn't date Everleigh. He's a bit of a womanizer. He's been around. Are you sure nothing happened between you two last night?" Katie asks.

"Absolutely nothing happened last night. He wouldn't even unzip my dress when I asked for help."

"You asked him to unzip you? And he didn't? That doesn't sound like him at all."

"He didn't. Think I scared him when I asked honestly. He's not what I expected. He's someone to help me get over Matt."

"Matt? Who's Matt?" Katie looks confused.

"Will. I meant Will. I don't know where Matt came from." I fumble my words.

I know exactly where Matt came from. Matt came from what was my reality until two days ago now. A knock returns me to the current situation. I rise to go to the door and it's Harry.

He looks completely different to how polished he looked last night. How is it that men can look flawless no matter what decade it is and I feel like I look ridiculous. Maybe it's just Harry Styles though. He's timeless and flawless. If I were in my current day I'd have an outfit to blow him away. Tonight I just feel like I look terrible.

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