Twenty Four. Dance in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor

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My hand grips my phone and I'm going over in my head what I want or need to say in this moment

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My hand grips my phone and I'm going over in my head what I want or need to say in this moment. Do I call her? Do I text her? I told her I'd be in touch today about our date tonight, so I'm debating what I should do. A text just seems so impersonal for this, but it's what most people do these days I suppose. I don't even know what to say honestly, I can't go on a normal date like most people do. Sure, I can go to dinner but it's going to involve dealing with paps and fans and it can get messy when a girl is involved. It's not ideal for a first date, it's not ideal for anyone really.

I have no idea what to plan for tonight. I've not had anyone over to the new rental house yet and I've not dated anyone outside the business in so many years. The hook ups I've had are with girls outside the business usually, but those involve the NDA agreement and I'm not going that route with Everleigh. I could just cook for her. Is that too intimate for a first date though? I don't want her to think I'm just trying to get her over to my house and have sex with her. I don't expect that from her at all. I decide to call Brad for some advice. He tells me to hold one moment and he adds Victoria to our call. I feel like a complete failure that I can't even plan a date for this girl on my own. Victoria suggests I do something easy like order a pizza and do a movie or something. She says that Everleigh is really low key and would prefer that over going out and especially dealing with the things I deal with .

Victoria suggests I call Everleigh rather than texting her and she tells me that she's due home any minute now from her morning classes. I end the call and thank them both and then I call Everleigh. The phone rings several times and I think she's not going to pick up, but she answers at the last minute.

"Hello?" I can hear her fumbling around with things and I feel badly that I've added juggling a phone call to the middle of this.

"Hi. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." I blow out a breath I was holding. What is wrong with me? Why am I so nervous?

"Not at all Harry. Just finishing up with my morning classes. How are you?" I can tell she's smiling right now just from the tone of her voice. That thought makes me smile.

"I'm doing well thank you. Just wanted to see if you are still up for seeing each other tonight? I'm thinking pizza and a movie here at my place?" I manage to get out.

"S-Sure. That sounds nice."
I hear the hesitation in her voice. Fuck, she thinks I'm trying to hook up doesn't she?

"I would love to take you out,but it can get a little crazy when I go out in public. I didn't want to scare you away right out the gate." I laugh.

I hear her laugh and it calms my nerves a little bit. She agrees that it wouldn't be ideal, especially when it's our first time going out and she doesn't want to complicate things for me. She's very thoughtful. I tell her I can send a car for her or I can come pick her up myself. She hesitates for a moment before finally asking if its' too much of a hassle for me to come get her. I like that she's asking me to come get her. It makes it feel a little normal in a way. We settle on a time and I tell her I'll see her then.

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