Fourteen. Longing

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It's taking every ounce of control that I have to sit across from Everleigh at our dinner date this evening

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It's taking every ounce of control that I have to sit across from Everleigh at our dinner date this evening. I'm not even sure how I managed to finish cooking the meal without burning it. Niall and Katie keep shifting their stares from Ever to me and back and forth again as we are silent with each other, but our eyes are locked on each other. This is a battle of the wills and I'm hanging on by a thread and she knows it.

Niall and Katie insist on doing the clean up and I head to the living room on Everleigh's heels and take a seat beside her on the sofa. Niall appears briefly and tells me that he's spending the night with Katie tonight and he casts a glance at Ever to gauge her reaction to see if she might want to swap houses tonight and stay here with me so he can be alone with Katie.

Everleigh speaks up and says she's fine to stay here as long as I don't mind and that I have her back in time for class tomorrow.


"Is there a problem with me staying here Harry?" She asks me after Niall heads back into the kitchen.

"Are you purposely trying to kill me?" I reply.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She says.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're enjoying this." I turn to face her.

She is doing all she can not to smile. I can see right through her. I am well and truly in trouble with her tonight. I know it and she knows it.

Katie and Niall join us in the living room and we have the television on but no one is really paying any attention to it. I can tell that Katie and Niall are ready to high tail it out of here. Sure enough, Katie stands to say she's tired and ready to head out. Niall standing with her and Katie hugs Everleigh and thanks me for a wonderful dinner. We tell them goodnight and I inhale sharply as I close the door.

"Are you afraid to be alone with me?" She chuckles behind me.

"Princess, quite the contrary." I turn to face her and pull her into my arms, walking her back against the wall.

"Harry. Relax. I was just having fun earlier. We are both adults, we can handle this. We've slept beside each other numerous times now. It's fine. We can do this."

I know we can do this, the point is I don't necessarily want to do this. I want her. I want to feel every inch of her body with my hands, my mouth, against my own body. I want to lay with her skin to skin. I want to give her all of me and I want every part of her in return.

"C'mon munchkin, let's go find you something to wear for bed."

She follows me to my room and I find her a tshirt and a pair of my shorts for her to change into. I grab a pair of sweat pants to change in the bathroom. I return to find her turning down the blanket and the sheet for us to climb underneath.

"Harry I can go sleep on the couch if you want me to." She says softly.

"You're sleeping here with me." I slide into bed underneath the covers and pat the spot beside me.

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