Thirty Two. Graduation and Gossip

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I've been home from Japan for two weeks now

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I've been home from Japan for two weeks now. I've spoken with Harry twice and I miss him terribly, but this is what we decided to do. I know he's so busy with his tour and writing and recording for the next album. Tomorrow I graduate, which will bring me one step closer to tying up one loose end that will hopefully put me on track to find my way back to Harry, if he still wants that of course. I'm still sitting up in bed checking emails when I hear Vicks and Brad come through the door. She's yelling and sounds upset about something and Brad is trying to calm her.

"He's a fucking idiot Brad!" I hear her voice ring out. I climb out of bed to see what all the fuss is about and her face goes blank when she sees me and she is suddenly quiet.

"What's going on?" I ask as the both of them stare at me.

Vicks gives Brad a look and he shifts a bit on his feet. I know something is wrong and it's making me panic. "Guys, what's wrong? Just say it." I plead.

"You haven't seen?" Vicks asks. I have no idea what she's referring to but I have a feeling I'm not going to like it.

"I'm sure there's a really good explanation for this. I'm going to call him." At that moment I know exactly who he's referring to. Brad presses his phone to his ear and walks into another room.

"Vicks, tell me." I just want to get this out in the open and over with at this point.

"Harry's all over social media kissing someone." Her words shock me, a sting to my heart and suddenly I need to see what's going on. I walk to my room to grab my phone and Vicks is behind me pleading with me not to look. I pick up my phone and there is two missed calls from Harry and a barrage of text messages.

H: Ever, please answer the phone.
H: I can explain.
H: I'm sorry. Please just talk to me.

I feel sick. I don't want to see, but there's a need to for some reason. I go onto twitter and search his name. Post after post appear with the photos and videos. He's standing on the street in Tokyo and some model is all over him. It doesn't feel right or look right.He respects the Japanese culture too much to disrespect them by showing public affection in this way. Something just doesn't feel right. He looks so awkward, like the kiss is just awkward and not him at all. She's a well known model and she's been through a who's who of men lately, I'm sure she's proud to add him to her list. I can hear Brad in the next room yelling. This isn't good. I'd been asking for a sign, something to tell me I'm doing the right thing by taking a pause on things and this couldn't be more obvious of a sign. He's living his life, as he should.

Brad appears in my doorway and he holds the phone away and asks me if I'll talk to Harry. I shake my head no and a tear escapes my eye and falls to my cheek. I can hear Harry's voice on the other line pleading with Brad. I put my hand up and tell them I need some fresh air. I grab my keys and I'm out the door. I don't know where I"m going, but anywhere other than within those walls will be just fine. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. Maybe I'm not meant to be with him in this timeline. Maybe this is how the story ends.

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