Thirty Four Big City, big dreams

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I've been in New York for a month now and it's been quite an adjustment

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I've been in New York for a month now and it's been quite an adjustment. Harry is back on tour in England and we've managed to talk at least once every day since I've been here. I started my internship with Simon and Schuster and it's been good so far. Right now I'm doing personal assistant type stuff, but it's good experience and hopefully will help me get my foot in the door. My boss is one of the top editors in the company and she's so helpful with advice and guidance as I've expressed my interest in becoming a published author myself one day.

I miss Victoria like crazy and I miss the whole vibe of LA. It's definitely more laid back than the craziness of New York City. I'm adjusting though. I decide to go out for drinks tonight with some of my coworkers and it's the first time I've been out in the city really. I'm asked about my personal life, to which I don't mention Harry or anything like that. I politely smile and say that I'm single but not really looking to get into anything right now. A text from Harry comes through and it's just a goodnight one as it's getting really late across the sea and I respond back with a quick goodnight one as well.

"Boyfriend?" The voice asks me from my right. It's Trevor who works on the fourteenth floor and we always bump into each other on the elevator going in and leaving each day. We also seem to have the habit of getting coffee at the same time as well. He's nice and he's definitely the talk of my floor amongst the ladies.

"Just a friend. It's complicated I guess you'd say." I smile as I tuck my phone back inside my purse.

"Complicated is never fun is it? " he asks as he takes another gulp of his beer.

"It's definitely not. How about you? Are you currently involved in any complicated situations?" I laugh.

"No. I'm allergic to complicated." He laughs .

"Not a bad allergy to have." I admit.

"So, first time out with the group. Who finally persuaded you to take the plunge with our band of scoundrels?" He jokes, his Australian accent more pronounced than usual.

"Hmmm..Leah. She's a feisty one. Wouldn't take no for an answer. What part of Australia did you say you were from?" I take another shot, well aware that I'm over my limit as it is.

"Hmmm...did I even tell you I was technically from Australia or you're just trying to strike up some sort of polite conversation?" He slides closer to me in the booth.

"Maybe we didn't have that conversation. Maybe it was one of the other girls I heard talking about you in passing conversation. Shit. I don't know." I laugh and feel my cheeks get warm.

"Enlighten me on this passing conversation. I'd like to know what's being said about me. Bondi Beach by the way. That's where I'm from."

"Come on Trevor, you're going to pretend that you don't know how many girls at the company have the hots for you?" I feel the liquid courage begin to take over now.

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