Ten. To the stars

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Today I woke up in Harry Styles arms

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Today I woke up in Harry Styles arms. Today I woke up happy. I wake up wrapped up in him, his arms firmly wrapped around me and my back flush against his chest. His face is buried in the side of my neck and his legs are intertwined with mine. I never want to move, but sadly my bladder is going to require it. Every time I try to softly squirm out of his hold, he pulls me in even tighter and shifts a bit in his sleep. It makes me laugh.

I'd laid in bed last night for the longest time, afraid to go to sleep because I didn't want to wake up and realize that our entire talk last night had been a dream or to wake up back in 2022 and to realize that this whole thing hadn't happened. I'm thankful to wake up tangled up in him and to see the dinosaur relic of an alarm clock on the mid century modern style nightstand. Thank God I'm still here.

"Harry..." I whisper.

He stirs a bit so I repeat his name a little louder.

"Hmmmm?" He asks as he nuzzles in even closer.

"Baby I need to pee." I say softly.

"Did you just call me baby?" He asks in a voice so raspy and so deep that it takes me by surprise a bit. God he sounds so sexy first thing in the morning.

"Yea, I guess I did." I laugh.

"I like it. Now go take care of your bathroom business and get your ass back in bed with me princess." He says deeply in my ear.

I'm sure he can feel the goosebumps that form on my skin from his words. My god this man is killing me right now. I hurry out of bed and to the bathroom. I pee and do a quick look in the mirror and brush my teeth quickly. As I'm finishing up brushing my teeth Harry appears behind me and I try to refrain from gawking at him too much in the mirror. He's shirtless and his hair is slightly wild. I'm aware that he slept in boxers last night but I refuse to look below his chest at this moment. I'm already flustered enough.

His hands hold on to my hips and he slides them inside the bottom hem of my tshirt I'm wearing. He has a smirk on his face and I can feel my heart rate increase.

"Can I help you?" I ask as he stares at me in the mirror.

"Oh you most certainly could help me Everleigh." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and laugh and finish up quickly to leave him alone to do his business. I hear the toilet flush and he's now brushing his teeth.

I'm meeting his father today and I'm nervous. Usually parents like me, it's their sons I have the issue with. That leads me to thinking of Matt. My supposed boyfriend in 2022. I haven't even missed him and I've barely thought about him at all. I spent too much wasted time and energy on him anyway.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry brings me back to reality as he slides back into bed and I turn to face him.

"Hi." I say softly as my fingers immediately go to his curls.

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