Eighteen. The Promise

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February 15, 1962

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February 15, 1962

Waking up this morning I find myself in the same spot I fell asleep in. I'm completely engulfing Everleigh in my arms and our bodies just a mess of tangled limbs and nothing but pure bliss surrounding us. I don't want to move from this spot at all. I relive the details of last night. I made love to her. I had never had sex with someone I was in love with before and it was a completely out of body and mind experience for me. Something about the entire thing had made me so open with my feelings and I told her everything that was on my mind and in my heart.

I was worried about my upcoming graduation. I know she doesn't like the idea that she's holding me back and she isn't, I want to be with her. I can use this time to do some writing and some soul searching for where I want to go. The truth is, I'll go anywhere as long as she's there. She's incredibly smart and I want her to follow her heart of where she needs to be to live out her career dreams.

She stirs a little and I nuzzle my face against her neck and kiss her neck.

"Morning Harry." Her morning voice rings out.

"Good morning princess. Sleep well?"

"Best I've slept in a long time." She says.

"Me too. Not sure I"m going to be able to sleep away from you again actually."

"Hmmmm Katie might have an issue with that." She laughs.

"We could negotiate a trade. Niall for you. I move Niall out and move you in." I laugh.

"Hmmm quite funny Styles."

"I'm not kidding."

As soon as the words left my lips I knew I wasn't kidding. I'm being completely serious with her right now. I want her to move in with me. I know it's soon. I know it's crazy and unconventional and I don't care. I want her here.

She rolls over so that she's now facing me so that she can see me.

"Harry? You're serious?" She asks.

"Is this a trick question?" I laugh.

"No tricks. Just want an honest answer. No joking."

"I'm not joking princess. I want you to move in with me."

"Isn't this soon?" She asks.

"It is, but I can't put a timeframe on any of this. This is just one of those things that comes at you out of nowhere. I can't explain it and we shouldn't try to. Feels right for me princess." I kiss her forehead.

"You're right. I'm always in my head trying to explain things, I need to just let things happen and not analyze it to death. I've always had that issue."

"Just how your brain works Ever, 's why you're so smart. World needs brains that work like yours." I smile.

"You always know what to say to charm me." She laughs.

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